
GN-SEC "One for All" Sustainable Energy Library

The non-availability of reliable and updated quality information and knowledge is a major barrier for the uptake of sustainable energy and climate technology (SECTs) markets in developing countries. Particularly, in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS) domestic key stakeholders (e.g. policy makers, entrepreneurs, project developers, suppliers) have difficulties to access information on latest technology innovations, lessons learned, as well as practical templates and tools.

Simultaneously, for international partners it is difficult to access knowledge on the specific conditions and latest developments in these countries. In this context, the GN-SEC centers agreed to establish a joint knowledge platform which will be expanded throughout the next years. The platform will bring together the generated knowledge by all GN-SEC centers.

Title Year Published Centre Post date
Tuvalu 2012 Population & Housing Census - Preliminary Analytical Report 2012 PCREEE-PRDR
Tuvalu Household Income and Expenditure Survey - 2004/2005 2005 PCREEE-PRDR
Tuvalu Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2010 Report 2010 PCREEE-PRDR
Tuvalu 2002 Census Reports - Volume 1 & Volume 2 2005 PCREEE-PRDR
System Installation Guidelines for the Pacific Islands (Grid-Connected PV System) 2012 PCREEE-PRDR
A Review on Gender Mainstreaming and Action Plans of the SIDS IUCN ORO Energy Projects - Managing the Ecosystems and Livelihood Implications of Energy Policies in the Pacific Island States - Palau, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu & Vanuatu 2010 PCREEE-PRDR
Solar Home Systems Installation Manual: Republic of the Marshall Islands 2013 PCREEE-PRDR
Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 02, December 2010 2010 PCREEE-PRDR
Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 01, October 2010 2010 PCREEE-PRDR
Quantification of the Power System Energy Losses in Southern Pacific Utilities - Consolidated Report 2012 PCREEE-PRDR
The Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) - Kiribati Infrastructure Sector Review 2009 PCREEE-PRDR
Analysis of Energy Consumption at Government Buildings, Kiribati 2012 PCREEE-PRDR
Energy Concept Paper, Government of Kiribati - Development Partners Forum 2014 PCREEE-PRDR
Wind Energy Feasibility Study for Kiritimati Island 2012 PCREEE-PRDR
Kiritimati Island Electricity Sector - Scoping Exercise 2014 PCREEE-PRDR
Renewable Energy Options for Shipping - Technology Brief 2015 PCREEE-PRDR
Kiribati Development Plan 2012 - 2015 2012 PCREEE-PRDR
Kiribati National Energy Policy (KNEP) 2009 PCREEE-PRDR
Kiribati Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) 2012 2012 PCREEE-PRDR
Public Utilities Board Visit Report PCREEE-PRDR