Website Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Related news PACIFIC ISLANDS WORKSHOP ON ELECTRIC MOBILITY PACIFIC ISLANDS WORKSHOP ON ELECTRIC MOBILITY 03/02/2023 King commissions largest solar power plant in Tonga King commissions largest solar power plant in Tonga 14/12/2022 Pacific Women in Energy Conference: Welcome address by Mereseini Rakuita, SPC's Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women Pacific Women in Energy Conference: Welcome address by Mereseini Rakuita, SPC's Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women 10/10/2022 Fiji launches first-ever electric vehicle charging network at Kundan Singh Supermarket Fiji launches first-ever electric vehicle charging network at Kundan Singh Supermarket 02/10/2022 Pacific experts helping to drive global sustainable energy solutions and certifications for small Islands and Territories Pacific experts helping to drive global sustainable energy solutions and certifications for small Islands and Territories 23/09/2022 Green News: Switching to renewable energy could save trillions worldwide Green News: Switching to renewable energy could save trillions worldwide 18/09/2022 PCREEE Supporting E-mobility development and EV Uptake in Tuvalu PCREEE Supporting E-mobility development and EV Uptake in Tuvalu 12/09/2022 Solomon Islands begin journey towards electric mobility Solomon Islands begin journey towards electric mobility 11/09/2022 Open positions There are no vacancies. You can check back soon. Thank you. Latest events CLEAN ENERGY ACCESS FOR REMOTE PACIFIC ISLANDS (CLEARPICS) Initial & Scoping Missions to Papua New Guinnea 30/03/2025 to 01/04/2025
King commissions largest solar power plant in Tonga King commissions largest solar power plant in Tonga 14/12/2022
Pacific Women in Energy Conference: Welcome address by Mereseini Rakuita, SPC's Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women Pacific Women in Energy Conference: Welcome address by Mereseini Rakuita, SPC's Principal Strategic Lead – Pacific Women 10/10/2022
Fiji launches first-ever electric vehicle charging network at Kundan Singh Supermarket Fiji launches first-ever electric vehicle charging network at Kundan Singh Supermarket 02/10/2022
Pacific experts helping to drive global sustainable energy solutions and certifications for small Islands and Territories Pacific experts helping to drive global sustainable energy solutions and certifications for small Islands and Territories 23/09/2022
Green News: Switching to renewable energy could save trillions worldwide Green News: Switching to renewable energy could save trillions worldwide 18/09/2022
PCREEE Supporting E-mobility development and EV Uptake in Tuvalu PCREEE Supporting E-mobility development and EV Uptake in Tuvalu 12/09/2022
Solomon Islands begin journey towards electric mobility Solomon Islands begin journey towards electric mobility 11/09/2022
CLEAN ENERGY ACCESS FOR REMOTE PACIFIC ISLANDS (CLEARPICS) Initial & Scoping Missions to Papua New Guinnea 30/03/2025 to 01/04/2025