
GN-SEC "One for All" Sustainable Energy Library

The non-availability of reliable and updated quality information and knowledge is a major barrier for the uptake of sustainable energy and climate technology (SECTs) markets in developing countries. Particularly, in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS) domestic key stakeholders (e.g. policy makers, entrepreneurs, project developers, suppliers) have difficulties to access information on latest technology innovations, lessons learned, as well as practical templates and tools.

Simultaneously, for international partners it is difficult to access knowledge on the specific conditions and latest developments in these countries. In this context, the GN-SEC centers agreed to establish a joint knowledge platform which will be expanded throughout the next years. The platform will bring together the generated knowledge by all GN-SEC centers.

Title Year Published Centre Post date
RMI National Energy Policy and Energy Action Plan, Volume 1: National Energy Policy 2009 PCREEE-PRDR
Republic of the Marshall Islands and Secretariat of the Pacific Community Joint Country Strategy 2008 - 2010 2007 PCREEE-PRDR
Republic of the Marshall Islands Private Sector Assessment 2003 PCREEE-PRDR
The Strategic Development Plan Framework 2003 - 2018, Republic of the Marshall Islands 2001 PCREEE-PRDR
Samoa Electricity Act 2010, No.13 2010 PCREEE-PRDR
Samoa Electric Power Corporation Corporate Plan 2010 PCREEE-PRDR
Samoa Excise Tax Rate Amendment 2008, No.16 2008 PCREEE-PRDR
Excise Tax (Import Administration) Act 1984 Samoa 1984 PCREEE-PRDR
Samoa Public Finance Management Act 2001 2001 PCREEE-PRDR
Samoa National Energy Policy 2007 2007 PCREEE-PRDR
Samoa National Infrastructure Strategic Plan 2011 PCREEE-PRDR
Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2008 - 2012: Ensuring sustainable economic and social progress 2008 PCREEE-PRDR
Samoa Energy Sector Plan 2012 - 2016 : "Sustainable energy supply - towards energy self-sufficiency" 2012 PCREEE-PRDR
Legal Notice No. 108 [The Electricity Act (Cap. 128)] - The Electricity (Tariff) (Automatic Base Tariff and Fuel Tariff Adjustments) Regulations 2005, Solomon Islands 2005 PCREEE-PRDR
Electricity Act [Cap 128], Solomon Islands 1998 PCREEE-PRDR
Companies Act 2009 (No. 1 of 2009), Solomon Islands 2009 PCREEE-PRDR
Priorities and Action Agenda 2006 - 2015, Vanuatu (Draft) 2006 PCREEE-PRDR
Draft Vanuatu National Energy Policy Framework PCREEE-PRDR
Vanuatu National Energy Policy Framework 2007 PCREEE-PRDR
Pacific Infrastructure Performance Indicators (PIPIs) 2014 Inception Report 2014 PCREEE-PRDR