
GN-SEC "One for All" Sustainable Energy Library

The non-availability of reliable and updated quality information and knowledge is a major barrier for the uptake of sustainable energy and climate technology (SECTs) markets in developing countries. Particularly, in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS) domestic key stakeholders (e.g. policy makers, entrepreneurs, project developers, suppliers) have difficulties to access information on latest technology innovations, lessons learned, as well as practical templates and tools.

Simultaneously, for international partners it is difficult to access knowledge on the specific conditions and latest developments in these countries. In this context, the GN-SEC centers agreed to establish a joint knowledge platform which will be expanded throughout the next years. The platform will bring together the generated knowledge by all GN-SEC centers.

Title Year Published Centre Post date
Madar completes Pacific islands solar power projects 2015 PCREEE-PRDR
Palau Sustainable Economic Development Through Renewable Energy Application (SEDREA) Project - Terminal Evaluation 2014 PCREEE-PRDR
UAE's Masdar delivers Samoa First Wind Farm 2014 PCREEE-PRDR
Solar Power Electrification for Kadavu, Rotuma and Lakeba 2013 PCREEE-PRDR
Pacific Regional Energy Assessment (PREA) 2004; Palau National Report Volume 9 2004 PCREEE-PRDR
National Energy Policy in Niue 1995 PCREEE-PRDR
Dynamic Stability Study, Niue Power Corporation (NPC) 2011 PCREEE-PRDR
Country Report for Niue - Technical Analysis of Appliance Markets to Support the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards (PALS) Programme 2012 PCREEE-PRDR
Pacific Climate Change Finance Assessment Nauru Case Study; Final Report 2013 2013 PCREEE-PRDR
Situation Analysis of Energy and Gender Issues in ECOWAS Member States 2015 ECREEE
Nauru Economic Infrasructure Strategy and Investment Plan, 2011 2005 PCREEE-PRDR
Technical Evaluation and Assessment Study of NUC Power Generation and Distribution Systems 2013 PCREEE-PRDR
Nauru Energy Policy Framework 2009 PCREEE-PRDR
Country Report for Nauru - Technical Analysis of Appliance Markets to Support the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards (PALS) Programme 2012 PCREEE-PRDR
Nauru Electric Supply Security and Sustainability Poject : Sector Assessment (Summary) Energy 2014 PCREEE-PRDR
Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 19, December 2015 2015 PCREEE-PRDR
Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 18, September 2015 2015 PCREEE-PRDR
Pacific Energizer Newsletter Issue 17, May 2015 2015 PCREEE-PRDR
Nauru Utilities Corporation : Corporate Strategy December 2012 2013 PCREEE-PRDR
Nauru Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2008-2015 2008 PCREEE-PRDR