GN-SEC Photo Gallery

Displaying 33 - 48 of 210

TEC-PCREEE Joint Workshop to Strengthen the Capacity of Private Sector for Sustainable Energy Business Start Up and Mentoring - 'Eua (7 - 12 July 2022)

PCREEE - View Gallery

TEC-PCREEE Joint Workshop to Strengthen the Capacity of Private Sector for Sustainable Energy Business Start Up and Mentoring - TONGATAPU (27 - 30 June 2022)

PCREEE - View Gallery

ISA-PCREEE-INES-Palau Public Utilities Corporation Training on Renewable Energy Mini-Grids, 29 - 31 March 2022

PCREEE - View Gallery

ECREEE Inaugurates Solar Mini-grid Plant in the Gambia

ECREEE - View Gallery

Joint ISA-Government of Tonga-PCREEE and INES Training on Renewable Energy Mini-grids. 16-17 & 19 November 2021

PCREEE - View Gallery

Tonga Disaster Awareness Day, 13 October 2021

PCREEE - View Gallery

Samoa Sustainable Energy Awareness Program , 21-22 October 2021

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Tonga National Climate Change Week - 24 September 2021

PCREEE - View Gallery

BRANTV-PCREEE Solar PV Local Operator Training - Vanuatu. 7 - 11 September 2021

PCREEE - View Gallery

Vanuatu Sustainable Energy Investment Forum. 2 September 2021

PCREEE - View Gallery

TEC-PCREEE Joint Training on Sustainable Energy Business Start-Ups and Mentoring - Vava'u. 31 August - 3 September 2021

PCREEE - View Gallery

TEC-PCREEE Joint Training on Sustainable Energy Business Start-Ups and Mentoring - Ha'apai. 24 - 27 August 2021

PCREEE - View Gallery

Final discussions with the Hon. Governor of Haápai and the Deputy Chair and Acting CEO of the Tonga Electricity Commission and officers from the PCREEE prior to the opening of the TEC-PCREEE training on 24 August 2021.

PCREEE - View Gallery

TEC-PCREEE Joint Training on Sustainable Energy Business Start-Ups and Mentoring - 'Eua. 10 - 13 August 2021

PCREEE - View Gallery

TEC-PCREEE Joint Training on Sustainable Energy Business Start-Ups and Mentoring - Tongatapu. 3 - 6 August 2021

PCREEE - View Gallery

TERM-Plus Stakeholders and Development Partners Update Workshop, Tonga. 24 - 25 August 2021

PCREEE - View Gallery

