The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Action Plan (REEESAP) was adopted in July 2017 in Eswatini by the SADC Ministers responsible for Energy. The document spans the period 2016-2030 and it aims to provide a framework for SADC Member States to develop their own renewable energy and energy efficiency strategies and action plans, leading to greater uptake of RE resources as well as mobilization of financial resources for the sector.

The key strategic objectives for this REEESAP are to:

  • achieve energy security by closing the current supply/demand deficit largely in the power sector and enabling future economic growth and industrialization;
  • increase availability, accessibility and affordability of modern energy services particularly to the poor that largely depend on inefficient traditional forms of energy in order to enhance their socio-economic status and hence alleviate poverty;
  • offset the risk associated with energy imports in the form of large import bills and uncertainty of supply aggravated by the impact of currency fluctuations;
  • mobilize financial resources for investment for both RE/EE projects and manufacturing of RE/EE equipment in the SADC Region, the latter contributing to industrialization agenda of SADC; and
  • achieve low carbon development paths and climate resilient energy systems in MS and hence the Region.

Action plans to achieve these objectives are framed along the following strategic interventions:

  • Strengthen national and regional institutions to adopt and implement RE/EE projects;
  • Create policies, strategies, plans and other frameworks to ensure an enabling environment for RE/EE investments;
  • Have appropriate regulation and standardization frameworks for RE/EE projects and investments;
  • Attract private sector participation in investments for RE and EE;
  • Build capacity to design, develop, build, implement and maintain RE/EE projects
  • Attract financing for RE/EE projects;
  • Develop projects, technologies and transfer know how to meet demand targets;
  • Promote adoption of RE/EE through information, advocacy and awareness; and
  • Consider cross-sectoral and cross cutting issues when implementing RE/EE projects

The REEESAP also outlines the bodies that are mandated with the implementation, as SACREEE, SAPP and RERA with the bulk of the activities being mandated to SACREEE. Additionally, REEESAP will be implemented at the most appropriate levels by relevant agencies in the Region and in Member States. Institutions other than the SADC Secretariat and its Agencies (RERA, SAPP) can implement REEESAP interventions. This includes public, private, civil society, academia, development partners.

The SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) was formed as part of the implementation of the REEESAP focusing on the development and implementation of a holistic regional renewable energy and energy efficiency programs.

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Year Published