The framework focuses on key changes that the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific partners including SPC, PPA, SPREP, USP and PIFS - agree to implement so they function as an effective regional partnership for action to adress the Energy Sector Challenges. The framework has two volumes:
i. Volume 1: concise statement of broad principles and procedures to guide the relevant CROP agencies in establishing more detailed policies, actions and goals that are
appropriate for a regional approach for development and implementation of a coordinated and collaborative CROP regional energy framework
ii. Volume 2: series of issues and background papers that provide more detailed context, analyses, and a broad programme of regional action to address the key issues.
Additionally, six annexes provide background information including a brief overview of the review of the 2010- 2020 regional energy framework, the mandate for
CROP’s lead energy agency, a summary ofconsultations, and matters raised by reviewers.