CCREEE input paper for the 2017 Ocean Conference

The input paper “Addressing the Nexus: Energy Services from Organic Waste for Productive Uses - Integrated waste management solutions for coastal, marine and freshwater protection and productive uses in the Caribbean” was jointly prepared by SIDS DOCK, CCREEE, UNIDO and the CARICOM Energy Programme and is a concrete contribution to Partnership Dialogue 2: Managing, protecting, conserving and restoring marine and costal ecosystems. The paper would like to raise the awareness on the important nexus between energy, waste management and costal, marine and fresh water protection in Small Island Developing States – particularly in the Caribbean. The nexus has a broad impact throughout different SDGs, namely: 7, 9, 13, 14 and 15. The input paper will be also the basis for the side event “Energy Services from Organic Waste – Integrated waste management solutions for coastal, marine and freshwater protection in the Caribbean”, to be organized by SIDS DOCK, CARICOM and UNIDO with support of the Governments of Austria and Spain back-to-back to the main conference.


Year Published