Tender notice: Development of regional project proposals to promote decarbonization and climate resilience in Central Africa, 30 June 2023

Under the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers (GN-SEC) program, UNIDO supports the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and its eleven Members States in the operationalization of the Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Central Africa (CEREEAC), which aims to accelerate the energy and climate transition by providing support „from the region for the region“. Initial financial support was provided by the Austrian Government through the Ministry of European and International Affairs. 

The establishment of CEREEAC was adopted by the Energy Ministers on 8 June 2021 and it was formal established by Decision No. 04/CEEAC/CCEG/XIX/21 of the 19th Conference of Heads of State and Government held in Brazzaville on 30 July 2021. Following a selection process, Angola was designated as the host country of CEREEAC’s Secretariat. After signing of the host country agreement, the centre was inaugurated on 10 March 2023 during a high-level ceremony in the city of Luanda. With the centre, the GN-SEC covers the entire African continent. 

UNIDO is providing institution-building support and helps the centre to build up its technical project portfolio and partnership base. In this context, multiple partners have expressed interest to support specific technical areas. Notably, the International Organization of Francophonie (abbreviated as OIF in French), through its subsidiary body, the Institute of Francophonie for Sustainable Development (abbreviated as IFDD in French), has provided financial support for the development of CEREEAC project pipeline.

Therefore, UNIDO is seeking flexible consulting support for the development of regional project concepts and documents, to be submitted to multilateral donors, (i.e. the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Adaptation Fund or the Global Environment Facility (GEF), etc.) for approval.

The proposals are expected to have a strong focus on adaptation and mitigation approaches, and energy-water-climate change nexus. Gender, food systems, climate resiliency and adaptive measures are important crosscutting thematic areas of these proposals. This work will require extensive consultations with local regional/national stakeholders particularly in the Congo basin, and Central African states.

Relevant thematic project themes may include: institutional capacity building, distributed renewable energy systems and rural mini-grids, investment promotion for renewable energy, storage and smart grid infrastructure, organic waste to energy and nature based energy solutions, industrial energy efficiency, climate resiliency and adaption measures, energy planning and infrastructure, and power systems, as well as clean tech entrepreneurship, innovation and cluster building.

Bidders are requested to submit their proposals by 30 June 2023 17:00:00 CET through the UNIDO e-procurement portal (https://procurement.unido.org/). In case of difficulties, please contact the UNIDO Help Desk at procurement@unido.org. Further information is available at: Procurement opportunities | UNIDO

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