Palau Customs Tariff Schedule HS 2012

This schedule embodies a classification of goods for import and goods for export for both tariff and statistical purposes of Palau.  For the purposes of classification of all imported goods an international system has been used, designated the Harmonized System Nomenclature (hereafter referred to as the HS) published by the World Customs Organisation in Brussels. In this Schedule, the HS is fully reproduced to the (6) digit level. 3. A split in the tariff item at the seventh and/or eighth digit level represents additions and extensions at the national level.
Report was taken from Customs Republic of Palau Website:

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Keywords: Palau, Customs, Tariff Schedule 2012


Year Published
Publication Category
Technical Publications
Legislation and regulation
Publication Thematic Areas
Transport, Renewables, Oil, Natural gas, Electricity
Number of Pages
Countries covered