Developing Effective Off-Grid Effective Policy for Africa

Creating favourable conditions for modern solar lighting markets can provide a low-cost solution to reducing carbon emissions, indoor air pollution and health risks, while bringing electricity to an estimated 600 million people in Africa who lack access to the power grid, says new report by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The report recommends best practices and smart policies enabling the market uptake of off-grid lighting solutions.

The purpose of this report is to provide strategic advice to policymakers within governments and regulatory agencies to accelerate the penetration of efficient off-grid lighting products. It includes an industry perspective on how various policy measures could stimulate growth of the efficient off-grid lighting market, accelerate access to efficient lighting and reduce the environmental impact of fuel-based lighting. The scope of this report is based on lessons learned from the integrated policy approach process followed in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) sub-region and other regions. The publication discusses the context and cross-cutting issues of the transition to efficient off-grid lighting, including potential benefits. It identifies best practices, proven case studies and practical recommendations for establishing a regulatory framework and policy strategies for efficient off-grid lighting promotion, including the four elements of an integrated policy approach to accelerate and ensure a successful transition.


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