Situation Analysis of Energy and Gender Issues in ECOWAS Member States

Commissioned by the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), the report
presents an overview of the current situation of gender mainstreaming in energy access in the ECOWAS
Member States. This comprehensive situation analysis aims to inform the implementation of the ECOWAS
Policy for Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Access by supporting Member States in addressing barriers that
may hinder the equal participation of women and men in expanding energy access in West Africa.

This work was made possible through funding from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and
additional support by the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), the Spanish Agency for International
Cooperation and Development (AECID), the United Nations Development Organization (UNIDO) and the
African Development Bank (AfDB).

While the authors of this report made every effort to be inclusive and comprehensive in collecting and
presenting information, there may be unintentional omissions. Kindly forward any additional material on
policies, programmes, and initiatives for inclusion to: Monica Maduekwe, Coordinator for the ECOWAS
Programme on Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Access (



Year Published