RCREEE calls for Applicants from the Private Sector to join RCREEE's Executive Committee

Position: RCREEE Executive Committee Member

Duration: 36 months (1 March 2019- 28 February  2022)

Application Deadline: 13 December 2018

Number of positions: 2


The Regional Center of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) was created on the basis of the Cairo Declaration of June 2008, signed by governmental representatives from 10 Arab States. The founding member states articulated a vision for the Center to become the leading Arab platform for advancing the implementation of renewable energy and energy efficiency through regional cooperation and coordination.

Today, additional seven Arab states joined RCREE bringing the number of Member States to  17 state (Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen).

Today RCREEE headquarter is in Cairo and it operates as an inter-governmental body with the legal status of a diplomatic international organization. RCREEE’s annual operating budget ranges within 1 million Euros, financed through grants from Donor countries and contributions from the member states.

For further information about the objectives and current activities of the Center please visit our website: www.rcreee.org.

Steering Structure and the Role of the Executive Committee

RCREEE has three acting bodies: The Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee and the Secretariat headed by the Executive Director. The organizational Charta determined the tasks and duties of each body as follows;

The Board of Trustees (BoT) consists of governmental representatives from the member countries, and is responsible, among others, for RCREEE’s strategic direction, annual work plans and financial performance.

The Executive Committee is composed of three members from the governmental sector and two from the private sector. According to the Charta, The Executive Committee: “shall implement the policy of the Board of Trustees, take the related decisions and secure the flow of information between the Member States and the Secretariat. It shall oversee and advise the Secretariat in the management of the Centre.”

Located in Cairo, the Secretariat role is to implement RCREEE’s strategic and annual work plans. It also maintains communication and interaction with relevant agencies and public institutions in member states and coordinate join actions with cooperation partners. The Secretariat represents RCREEE in all legal and commercial transactions.

According to RCREEE’s Organizational Charta, the competencies of the Executive Committee comprise all matters where a representation of the Board of Trustees is required, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Make submissions to the Board of Trustees (to include draft of the vision and work program, strategies and policies etc. conducted in cooperation with RCREEE Secretariat)

  • Approve the work plan of the center as well as any modifications

  • Review and comment on annual reports, financial statements and budgets to be submitted to the Board of Trustees

  • Follow up and supervise the carrying out of the activities of The Center

  • Set up and issue the decisions required to implement strategy, to be undertaken by RCREEE’s Executive Director

  • Appoint the Executive Director

  • Approve the recruitment of The Center staff upon proposal of the Executive Director

  • Consult with member countries on priority issues

  • Define the organizational structure and the tasks allocated among the members of the Secretariat

  • Represent RCREEE in events and meetings

The full list of executive committee responsibilities are fully explained at RCREEE’s organizational Charta.

Purpose of the announcement

RCREEE is seeking two qualified private sector representatives to contribute to RCREEE mission and objectives through their role in the Executive Committee mentioned above. In addition, the members are to support directing RCREEE strategies through developmental programs and projects aiming to minimize the growing gap of energy supply and security needed for the development of RCREEE’s member states. This could be achieved via attracting foreign private investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency fields

Requirements for applying to the announcement:

Applicant for the private sector seat in the Executive Committee has to represent an industrial or Consultancy or Engineering Company or Project Developing Company in the field of renewable energy or energy efficiency-and not representing a commercial agent. 

The company should be located in one of RCREEE Member States mentioned above.

Qualified applicant is expected -at least-:

  • To hold a university degree

  • To hold a senior position in his/her company.

  • To have 15 years of technical and managerial experience; managerial experience has to be of minimum 10 years in a leading position. (Financial experience is an advantage)

  • To be Fluent in Arabic and one of RCREEE’s working languages: English or French


The Company and its representative in the executive committee will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • The company has to have a good reputation and past experience in implementing projects or major activities (projects, consultancy or manufacturing, etc.) in the field of Renewable Energy or Energy Efficiency in the region (20 points)

  • The company has to have a notable objectives and vision for the development of Renewable Energy or Energy Efficiency in the Arab region (20 points)

  • The applicant has to have good relations with national, regional and international organizations working in the field of renewable energy or energy efficiency. Applicant must submit supportive recommendation letters (20 points)

  • Diversity of the Applicant CV to include managerial, financing and technical experience in addition being participant in internationally financed projects  or consultancy or manufacturing in the field of renewable energy or energy efficiency (40 points)

Awarded Applicant must secure a written approval from the top management of his company to be a member of the Executive Committee.


The Executive Committee Members are expected to spend on average two working days per month on their function as Executive Committee Member and shall be compensated accordingly. It is expected that the Executive Committee will convene two to four times a year and be available for telephone conferences and (short) written consultations

Application Procedures and Further Information

If you receive this notice through the Country representative on the Board of Trustees, please apply by sending a letter of interest and a CV directly to the Country Representative.

Otherwise, please contact the Secretariat for the contact details of your Country representative at info@rcreee.org.

The final deadline for receiving applications is December 13 ,2018

For further information regarding RCREEE or the role of the Executive Committee, please contact any of the following:

Job expired