RCREEE supports Lebanon first Power Purchase agreement for 200 MW

February 2, 2018- Beirut: Under its first Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), Lebanon’s government agreed to purchase 200 megawatts (MW) in total from three Lebanese companies that plan to generate power from wind turbines, namely Hawa Akkar, Lebanon Wind Power and Sustainable Akkar.

The Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC) and RCREEE cooperated in organizing a technical mission to support Lebanon's efforts in the PPA preparations and negotiations with the companies.

The Minister of Energy and Water, Eng. César Abi Khalil attended the PPA signing ceremony with the three companies’ representa

tives. This came in accordance with the Council of Ministers Decision No. 43 of 2/11/2017, which approves granting three licenses to produce 200 MW of wind power. The companies are granted 18 months to complete all the preparations required to start the implementation of the project.

The mission was hosted by LCEC Director and Chairman of RCREEE Board of Trustees, Eng. Pierre El Khoury and RCREEE Executive Committee member, Mr. Ziad Zein. Besides, RCREEE technical Director, Dr. Maged K Mahmoud and RCREEE’s expert, Dr. Hafez Salmawi headed the mission and met with the Lebanese experts.


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