Vacancy: CCREEE Administrative and Finance Manager

The Administration and Finance Manager (AFM), working directly and in close cooperation with, the Executive Director of the CCREEE ensures the smooth establishment of the administrative and financial procedures and reporting protocols for the Centre. As a consequence, the expectation is that the AFM will maintain efficient and effective administrative systems and procedures, as well as control mechanisms to support the smooth running of the operations of the Centre, ensuring compliance with the staff and financial rules and administrative, including procurement and human resources, procedures.
The responsibilities of the AFM includes the day-to-day management of the human, financial and administrative resources, as well as the conducting of regular checks on the internal controls, of the Centre. The AFM leads the preparation of the accounts upon closure of the operations at the end of each financial cycle, as well as manages the administrative budgets of the Centre, ensuring that disbursements are in accordance with the approved budget and CCREEE Financial Rules. The AFM will report to the Executive Director of the Centre. Deadline for applications: 17 November 2017 (CEST); 

Job expired