Global Report on Renewable Energy

Recently, three international flag-ship reports on renewable energy were published by UNEP, REN-21 and IPCC. The findings of the studies lights the way for ECREEE and other like-minded organizations in the energy sector.

The reports are:

  • The UNEP study “Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment in 2001 – Analysis of Trends and Issues in the Financing of Renewable Energy”
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published the “Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change”
  • REN-21 published its annual “Global Renewable Energy Status Report”

The publications took stock of the current role of renewable energy technologies in the global energy market and indicate trends and feasible scenarios for further deployment and market penetration. The important role of renewable for climate change mitigation was confirmed. ECREEE contributed to elaboration of some of the studies and was able to include West African aspects.   All studies confirmed the continued global growth of renewable energy in 2010:

  • Renewable energy supplied an estimated 16% of global final energy consumption
  • Solar PV more than doubled thanks to declining costs 
  • Global Investments in Renewables Up Over 30% to a Record $211 billion
  • Emerging and Developing Economies Increase Share of Policies, Investment, Supply and Use

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