ECREEE and WASCAL Hold Technical Meetings to Advance Green Hydrogen Development in the ECOWAS Region

ECREEE and the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) are cooperating closely in the field of sustainable energies in West Africa and facilitating research and promotion of green hydrogen in the ECOWAS region. Within the framework of the collaboration, ECREEE is currently developing the ECOWAS Green Hydrogen Policy.

Against this background, both institutions organized a technical meeting from 8-10 February 2023 in Praia, Cabo Verde. The meeting also afforded the opportunity to discuss modalities for further collaboration with WASCAL, particularly with regard to the implementation of the ECOWAS Green Hydrogen Strategy.

At the sidelines of the mission, ECREEE and WASCAL also had bilateral meetings with key stakeholders in Cabo Verde, including the Cabo-Verdean Ministry of Energy, Electra, and the Center for Renewable Energy and Industrial Maintenance (CERMI) to discuss potential collaboration in the development of green hydrogen initiatives. The various stakeholders welcomed the support of WASCAL and expressed their interest in collaborating towards the development of green hydrogen in the ECOWAS region.

At the end of these meetings, Dr. Bruno Korgo, WASCAL Regional Coordinator for Renewable Energy and Green Hydrogen, was delighted with the quality of the exchanges and reaffirmed WASCAL's interest in supporting Green Hydrogen initiatives in West Africa.

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