Consultant to Support Development of MEPS for Cooling Appliances and Implementation Toolkit

EACREEE has received funding from UN Environment - United for Efficiency Programme, under the project ‘Building High-Level Support and National Capacities to Enhance Climate and Ozone Protection through Cooling Efficiency’. The objective of the project is to facilitate policy and regulatory harmonization on refrigerating appliances and air conditioners (cooling products) in the EAC region.

EACREEE now intends to recruit an individual consultant to provide support in the development and implementation of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and Labels for refrigerating appliances and air conditioners in the EAC region.

Specifically, the consultant will undertake the following: 

  • Conduct a market assessment in EAC to understand the refrigerating appliance and room air conditioner product stock, general market dynamics and trends.

  • Support the project team in drafting the technical notes for refrigerating appliances and air conditioners

  • Support the project team in developing MEPS and Labelling for Cooling Appliances

  • Support the project team in developing Market Transformation Toolkit for EAC Capacity Building

Please, download detailed Terms of Reference from this link:

Individual consultants interested in the assignment should submit their application documents on or before 31st July 2020, clearly indicating email and phone contacts and how soon they can be available. Applications must be submitted by E-mail to:, with the subject line “Application for Consultancy to Support Development of MEPS and Labels for Cooling Appliances and Implementation Toolkit”.

The following documents should be submitted during the application to demonstrate their qualification:

  1. Cover letter

  2. A technical proposal (max. 5 pages) giving a brief methodology for performing the services, inputs or contributions of the consultant and a summary of experience in similar assignments

  3. Personal CV, indicating academic and professional qualifications, work experience on similar assignments, and at least three (3) professional references.

Job expired