Expression of Interest - WAREP Project Coordinator

The African Development Bank’s flagship Desert-to-Power (DtP) initiative is complementing national and other regional efforts at addressing energy sector challenges in the Sahel. The initiative aims to harness the solar potential of the 11 Sahelian countries to deploy 10 GW of solar photovoltaic (PV) by 2030 and provide access to electricity to around 250 million people who currently lack it, through a combination of on-grid and off-grid solutions. The first phase of the DtP program will benefit Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal. 

The West Africa Regional Energy Program (WAREP) is the first phase of the DtP initiative and will support these countries to accelerate the regional development of solar energy production and transmission and decentralized solar energy projects. The program aims to support studies to facilitate the regional integration of electricity networks in Sahelian countries by promoting the interconnection of networks to further integrate solar production. WAREP is aligned with the objectives and strategies of relevant regional and sub-regional organizations, including the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and will catalyze growth in access to electricity by addressing primarily financial barriers to private sector-led distributed power generation and mini-grid development from renewable energy in the Member States.

WAREP has three main components. Component 1 focuses on pre-feasibility studies for the Sahel Backbone and regional solar parks and is being implemented by the West African Power Pool (WAPP); Component 2 concerns the preparation activities for the Regional Mini-Grid Programme (RMGP) to scale up investments in mini-grids and generate economies of scale, and Component 3 is the Bank’s project management to ensure quality control and project supervision.

ECREEE with support from the African Development Bank (AFDB).is implementing the West Africa Regional Energy Program (WAREP) as the first phase of the Desert-to-Power initiative, which will support to accelerate the regional development of solar energy production and transmission and decentralized solar energy projects.  

ECREEE is therefore seeking to engage Project Coordination to coordinate all activities related to project preparation and implementation. It is therefore calling for expression of interest from qualified personnel as described in the terms of reference below

Part of the project’s resources will be used by ECREEE to fund the services of selected staff of the Project Implementation Unit, including the Project Coordinator. The main task of the coordinator is to support the PIU in undertaking all activities related to project preparation and implementation in all countries. S/he will report to the Executive Director. The proposed scope of work will include the following activities:

  1. Overall and day-to-day supervision of project implementation;
  2. Planning, coordinating all the activities assuring timely and economically effective implementation;
  3. Supervision of PIU staff and evaluation of   their staff performance,
  4. Planning, coordinating, and actively participating in the procurement and implementation of consultancy services for the clean mini-grid feasibility studies; development of modules and training of designers, developers, and promoters, and of clean mini-grids projects, etc.;
  5. Overseeing the assessment of needs for technical assistance and participating in the process of design, and delivery of such assistance as needed;
  6. Ensuring regular monitoring of project activities:
  7. Leading the preparation and    updating    of    implementation plans, operational manuals, disbursement schedules, etc.,
  8. Transmission of periodic withdrawal requests and expenditure reports as well as activity reports to AfDB in line with the Protocol of Agreement and other relevant documentation;
  9. Liaising with and maintaining continuous communication with the AfDB;
  10. Participate in other related activities as may be assigned by the Executive Director.

The expression of interest document should not exceed six (6) pages, with the following format:

  1. Cover letter (maximum 1 page);
  2. CV (maximum 5 pages);
  3. Certificates; and
  4. Any other information deemed relevant.

ECREE will shortlist and select candidates in accordance with the "Procurement framework for operations financed by the Bank Group", October 2015 edition, which is available on the website of the Bank at the address:

Interested applicants should submit their expressions of interest via only, indicating the subject: “PROJECT COORDINATOR, ECREEE WAREP PIU”. The deadline is 11th of May, 2022 (23:59 hrs (GMT).

Further information is avaible in the Terms of Reference below

Job expired