The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the International Solar Alliance (ISA), with funding of the Government of France, are implementing the project “Structuring of an International Network of Solar Technology and Application Resource Centres”. The overall objective it to create a strong network of institutional capacities within ISA Member States to enhance quality infrastructure (QI) for the uptake of solar energy product and service markets, particularly in LDCs and SIDS.

The first phase of the STAR C project will focus on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the East African Community (EAC) and the Pacific Community (SPC)/ Pacific Island Forum (PIF). To have more impact and to create economies of scale, the STAR C has adopted a regional approach, which aims at cross-border harmonisation of solar product, service and qualification standards, shared resources and joint implementation on national level.
Past QI interventions of UNIDO have proven the added value and benefit of regional approaches. In this context, UNIDO has supported several economic communities, including ECOWAS, EAC and SPC, in the establishment of QI policies and regional energy centres under the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) program. The STAR C is part of the south-south and triangular activities of the centres under the GN-SEC platform. The STAR C implementation will benefit for the established institutional infrastructure and lessons learned of these interventions.
In this context, UNIDO and ISA are seeking international advisory support for the development of regional QI frameworks and management systems for solar energy products and services in ECOWAS, EAC and Pacific Community (SPC) /Pacific Island Forum (PIF). The assignment is complementary to another one, which focuses on the improvement of regional solar qualification frameworks and standards in the same regions. A competitive tender is being launched simultaneously. Interested bidders can participate in both procurements.
All three concerned regions share significant solar potential and high interest in utility-scale, off-grid and distributed renewable energy systems, including stand-alone, mini-grids and solar thermal applications. They are also strengthening efforts for local sustainable energy entrepreneurship and innovation. All regions are highly interested in improving QI frameworks for renewable energy and energy efficiency.
The following assignment will be the first building block for a long-term regional solar QI process, to be implemented in partnership with the regional economic communities (RECs) within their respective QI policies and processes. Due to the limited financial scope, the assignment will not include the development of new standards but will provide detailed recommendations regarding priority IEC/ISA PV and SHC standards to be included in the regional framework. If feasible, relevant IEC/ISO standards will be already incorporated in an adapted manner. Such standards can remain voluntary, or become obligatory if there are included in regulation, legislation, procurement and legal contracts.
Qualified and interested bidders are invited to apply by 16 January 2023 17:00:00 CET. Further information you find at:
Original Link: Tender: Support for the development of regional quality infrastructure frameworks for solar photovoltaics and solar thermal energy in ECOWAS, EAC and the Pacific Community, Deadline: January 2023 | Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers (GN-SEC)