Capacity Building Opportunity On Clean Energy Mini-Grids

The ECOWAS Centre Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), in the framework of the project “Improving the Governance of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Sector in West Africa (AGoSEREE-AO), financed by the European Union (EU), are working to support entrepreneurs and developers who invest or intend to invest on clean energy mini-grids (CEMGs) through the expansion of the window opened by ECREEE and International Renewable Energy agency (IRENA), with the support of the Luxembourg Cooperation in 2015, to support entrepreneurship in the ECOWAS region.

ECREEE and GIZ are organising regional trainings aimed at entrepreneurs, developers and/or operators of existing or future CEMGs. This Call for Applications follows the “Qualitative study on clean energy mini-grids and entrepreneurship support in the ECOWAS region”, financed by the EU and implemented by ECREEE and GIZ. The main objective is to mitigate the lack of information and technical capacity of actors in the CEMG sector.

This first training will be conducted in French* and have a 1-week duration. It will take place in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Candidates must come from Micro, Small or Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) based in one of the French-speaking ECOWAS Member States and Mauritania*. The MSMEs must be involved in the development, construction, management, operation or maintenance of CEMGs.

Female applications are strongly encouraged, in line with ECOWAS and GIZ gender policies. The selection criteria are available in the Terms of Reference (ToR). Between 10 to 12 candidates will be selected, at least one each from each eligible country.

Interested candidates must submit all documents listed in the attached ToR  to, before 23h59 on 31 October 2019.


*  Another training aimed at English and Portuguese-speaking Member States will be organised shortly. 

Procurement expired