Call for Proposals for EPC Contractor in Botswana for the Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Solar Powered Irrigation and Water Supply System and other DRE for Productive Use

The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) is implementing the ‘Improvement of Livelihoods in SADC Member States through the Adoption of Distributed Renewable Energy for Productive Use’ project.  The project is being implemented as a pilot over 24 months covering Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Namibia and Zambia. It is being implemented under the Intra-African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) Programme through the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus.  
The GCCA+ Programme is funded by the European Union through the SADC Secretariat. The programme is implemented together with national, regional and international key stakeholders including rural electrification agencies, developers, and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) and Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA), among others. The project will contribute to the specific objective of SADC to enhance the capacity of Member States to undertake adaptation and mitigation actions in response to the effects of global climate change. 
In Botswana, the WEF nexus demonstration project will be implemented at Habu Village located in the North West District (19°53'1.58"S, 22°22'3.55"E). SACREEE is therefore looking for a highly experienced company in Botswana to Design, Supply, and Install and Commission a Solar Powered Irrigation System, Water Supply System and Other Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) For Productive Use Technologies at Habu Village.
The work package of the assignment includes the following: 
a) Conducting specialized studies such as site and water assessment including groundwater for the irrigation system and other DRE for Productive Use technologies.
b) Designing a cost-effective and a robust solar powered water supply system for irrigation and domestic purposes.
c) Propose and design systems for Productive Use of Renewable Energy (PURE) for the community-based on the energy demand assessment.
d) Propose solutions to increase the skills capacity of the community to operate and maintain the irrigation and DRE-Systems.
e) Installation of solar powered irrigation systems and proposed PURE technologies.
The bidders applying for this tender shall provide the following documentary evidence to demonstrate that it meets the compliance criteria: 
Bidders should be registered with Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS) and is required to provide a Tax Clearance Certificate Number (TIN) or Tax Certificate
The Company should be registered with Company Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) and shall submit a Certificate of incorporation and shareholders ‘certificate.
The bidders must be registered with Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board (PPADB) in the following categories:
Electrical Engineering Works: Code 02 Sub-code(s): 01 Electrical Installations and Sub-code(s) 05 Photovoltaic Systems
Civil Engineering: Code 03 Sub-code(s): 06 Water supplies, sanitation, reticulation and Irrigation works
Drilling Works: Code 09 Sub-code(s): 01 Drilling, borehole development and Equipping
Team composition:
o Project Engineer who will undertake the primary design responsibilities with respect to the Project. 
o Project Manager/Construction Manager (PM/CM) who will have the overall responsibility of keeping track and updating project activities as well as monitoring and oversee the performance of all subcontractors and suppliers. The PM/CM will also be responsible for inspecting the work as completed for compliance with the safety plan.
o Quality Control/Quality Assurance Officer who will be responsible for quality control and quality assurance of the completed work 
o Safety Officer to observe and enforce safe practices at the sites and related support facilities.
o Agriculturalist/Irrigation engineer with minimum diploma qualification to assist on land preparation, seeds etc.
Demonstrate experience and proficiency in carrying out assignments of a similar nature. A minimum record of three (3) similar projects (including size and volume) must be provided in the form of a list with contact details of previous clients.
Mandatory Site Visit
It is mandatory for all bidders to visit the project site before submitting their proposals. Bidders must visit the site of the works to obtain for themselves all information and / or suggest changes that may be deemed necessary for the completion of their bids. The site visit is scheduled to take place on the 1st of March 2022. 
Note: Booking for site visit is required and all costs associated with the site visit and compilation of the tender response will be covered by the bidder.  
Bidders that fulfill the above criteria and are interested in applying should request for the detailed terms of reference (ToR) from specifying subject ToR_BotswanaThe deadline for requesting the ToR and booking for the mandatory site visit is by the 25th of February 2022 at 17:00 Central African Time (CAT). 
Only bidders that would have participated in the mandatory site visit will be requested to submit electronic copies of the Technical and Financial proposal, specifying subject GCCA+ WEF Nexus Demonstration Project - Botswana EPC to the email address: The proposals should be submitted by the 25th of March 2022 (extension) at 17:00 Central African Time (CAT). 
Application past the deadline will not be accepted.

Job expired