Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the Design and Development of a web-based Sustainable Energy Knowledge Hub for SACREEE



NAME OF PROJECT:  Southern African Power Pool Program for Accelerating Regional Transformational Energy Projects

Projects Grant No.: H9890 

Assignment Title: Design and Development of a web-based Sustainable Energy Knowledge Hub for the SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE)

The World Bank is supporting a Program with the Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP) to help accelerate the preparation of priority regional power generation and transmission projects within the Southern Africa region SAPP. The Program Development Objective is “to facilitate the preparation of priority regional energy projects in the Southern African Power Pool region”. 

As part of this initiative, the SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) Secretariat through SAPP intends to procure the services of an individual firm for the Design and Development of a web-based Sustainable Energy Knowledge Hub for SACREEE Secretariat in Windhoek, Namibia. 

Objective of the assignment

The main objectives of assignment are to:

  1. Redesign and up-grade the SACREEE website to an interactive web-based community portal. This includes the complete reorganization and restructuring of the existing data, to incorporate new features, make it more visually appealing, easy to navigate and user-friendly. The new SACREEE community portal shall facilitate increased awareness of the organisation’s role and functions, improve its corporate on-line profile and presence, and support the organisation’s general objectives through high-impact communication and interactive features.
  2. Design and develop an integrated web-based website community portal and SADC Sustainable Energy Knowledge Hub (SEKH). It will provide targeted, timely and statistical information and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) maps on the energy resources, projects and stakeholders (particularly in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency) in Southern Africa.

Scope of work

In executing the assignment, the contractor should consider the content of the existing website and ensure its complete and seamless transfer to the new community portal.  The assignment is divided into four interlinked main stages namely:

Stage 1: Inception and Conceptual Design of the SEKH community platform and, screen-design and technical specifications

Stage 2: Development and implementation

Stage 3: Acceptance procedure, hand over and capacity building

Stage 4: Annual running technical maintenance

Required Qualifications and Experience  

The contractor’s core team should have relevant qualifications and key competencies relevant for the assignment. Demonstration of experience in similar assignments will be important. The following main criteria will be used.

Profile of Contractor and Team

  1. Advanced degrees in web design and GIS or other relevant fields;
  2. At least seven (7) years’ experience of the proposed project team in web design and development and/or design of a GIS system;
  3. Experience with reliable high-quality open-source solutions (e.g. Customised Market Solutions (CMS), forums, modules);
  4. Track record of project team in implementing similar community websites and/or GIS maps or observatories.
  5.  Experience in the international renewable energy and energy efficiency sector will be an added advantage;
  6. Proficiency in information technology (IT) and web development knowledge: Javascript, HTML, W3C standards such as XHTML, ASP.Net, ASP Classic, Net Framework and XML Web Services, database services and PHP scripting language and others;
  7. Knowledge of modern, open-source web technologies including GitHub, Bootstrap, MySQL, and JavaScript;
  8. Expertise in the use of tools and methodologies for integrating multiple databases, including use of Application Programming Interface (APIs), metadata schemas, and international standards for data exchange;
  9. Experience in managing stakeholder coordination, especially among multiple governments and agencies, as part of consensus‑building and strategy development; and
  10. Experience in the development of user‑centric designs, to include identification of (and communication with) potential users of knowledge management systems.

Key Competencies

  1. Proven ability to collect, verify and analyse information.
  2. High degree of accuracy and technical quality.
  3. Excellent communication skills in both oral and written English,.
  4. Demonstrated ability to communicate complex, technical information to both technical and general audience.
  5. Professional approach to tasks, with strong work ethic.

Knowledge or experience in designing and developing integrated ICT systems for the energy sector and in particular sustainable energy field is a distinct advantage.

The shortlisting criteria are:

  • Years in business with relevant experience
  • Availability of qualified and experienced team members
  • Evidence of having executed relevant projects in terms of similar size / volume and complexity

The consulting firm will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Regulations. 

Further information can be obtained through email during office hours from Monday to Friday [ 09:00 to 16:00 hours].

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the email address below by 10 February 2022 at 15:00 hours Central African time and mention "Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the Design and Development of a web-based Sustainable Energy Knowledge Hub for SACREEE “ 

Address and Contact: 

Southern African Power Pool

Attention: Thembekani Luthuli, SAPP-PAU Procurement Specialist

Tel: +27 10 446 9600/+27 72 709 7252

Email Address:

Job expired