EDF PULSE Africa Award

EDF, one of the major electricity utilities in the world, is organizing a competition for African start-ups. Focused on innovation in the electricity sector we are proud to introduce you to EDF Pulse Africa. EDF Pulse Africa will reward projects in the following areas: - Off-grid electricity production: produce and/or store electricity in off-grid areas. - Energy efficient solutions: innovative electrical products or services with low power consumption. - Access to water: help people access water using electricity-based solutions (agriculture and domestic use).

Winners of the competition will benefit from “EDF Pulse Africa Factory”, a 12-month start-up acceleration programme, bringing together committed partners (public and private investors, mentors, experts, etc.) with the aim of coaching and supporting the growth of African start-ups. Three prizes will also be awarded to the three most promising start-ups, by the Grand Jury in Paris in December 2021 (1st: €15 000, 2nd: €10 000, 3rd: €5 000).

Further detailshttps://africa-pulse.edf.com/en/meta-home/edf-pulse-africa


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