Request For Proposals: Conducting of a Baseline Survey and Partnership for Skills development in the RE, EE and REI sub-sector for the Skills for Energy in Southern Africa (SESA) Project

The International Labour Organization (ILO), with funding provided by the Government of Sweden, is supporting the Kafue Gorge Regional Centre (KGRTC) to implement the Skills for Energy in Southern Africa (SESA) Project, a three and a half year intervention. The overarching development objective is to “Increase uptake of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Regional Energy Integration interventions in Southern Africa, leading to a more sustainable and low-carbon energy mix” through skills development and the project establishment of Public-Private Development Partnerships in Zambia and in the SADC region, with all the project implementation processes completed, suitably qualified consultants are being invited to submit proposals for the following assignments;

1. Supply and Demand Assessment due 2nd June 2021

2. Baseline Survey due 7th June 2021

3. Partnership for Skills development in the RE, EE and REI sub-sector due 15th June 2021

Further details:

Job expired