COUNTRY: Southern African Development Community region
NAME OF PROJECT: Southern African Power Pool Program for Accelerating Transformational Energy
Assignment Title: Design and facilitation of the Integrated Resource Planning Training for Decision Makers training.

The World Bank is preparing a Program with the Southern Africa Power Pool Coordination Centre (SAPP CC) to help accelerate preparation of priority regional power generation and transmission projects in the region of the Southern African Power Pool – the SAPP Program for Accelerating Regional Energy/Transformational Projects (SAPP-AREP). The Program Development Objective is “to facilitate the preparation of priority regional energy projects in the Southern African Power Pool region”. The SAPP CC is cooperating with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) in implementing a portion of the SAPP-AREP that relates to SACREEE.
As part of this initiative, the SACREEE Secretariat through SAPP CC intends to procure the services of a Consulting firm to design and facilitate training for the Integrated Resource Planning Training for Decision Makers.

Objectives of consultancy assignment

The objective of this assignment is to create and deliver a five-day training program that exposes decision-makers in the energy sector of the SADC region to the importance and key facets of an integrated resource planning (IRP) process in the electricity sector especially in the context of the evolving renewable energy and energy storage technologies, energy efficiency, distributed energy resources, climate change impacts, goals for universal electricity access, climate change mitigation, and the potential for private sector investments.

Required Qualifications and Experience

The Consultant shall be a qualified, internationally recognized firm with 10 years specific experience. The Consultant shall have experience in similar work. The firm should be able to field a team, covering at a minimum the lead expert and a technical specialist.
The SAPP now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.

Expressions of interest must be emailed to the email below, on or before 15 July 2020 at 15:00 hours Central African time and mention "Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the design and facilitation of the Integrated Resource Planning Training for Decision Makers training."

Southern African Power Pool
Attention: Thembekani Luthuli, SAPP Procurement Specialist
Tel: +27 10 446 9600/+27 72 709 7252
Email Address:

Job expired