RCREEE, EEAA and EETC signs ESIA Bird Monitoring Program for BOO Wind Power Plant

August 2019: RCREEE in cooperation with the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) and the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) officially signed the agreement with ECO Consult and EcoConServ to conduct the ESIA Bird Monitoring Program for BOO Wind Power Plant 500 MW at the Gulf Suez.

The agreement comes under the activities of Active Turbine Management Program (ATMP). RCREEE initiated the ATMP aiming to determine the optimum turbines operations periods during the heavy bird migratory seasons during pre-, under-, and post-construction of wind farms. RCREEE signed the Protocol with three governmental institutions (EEAA, EETC and NREA). The aim of this Protocol is to facilitate cooperation among relevant stakeholders and provides a strategic and operational framework to assess the environmental impacts of wind power plants in the GoS.