Technical Stakeholders Workshop on SADC Industrial Energy Efficiency Programme (SIEEP) on 19-20 October 2017 in Maputo, Mozambique

Technical Stakeholders Workshop on the SADC Industrial Energy Efficiency Program (SIEEP)

Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique

The SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) in collaboration with the European Union is organizing a Technical Stakeholders Workshop on the SADC Industrial Energy Efficiency Program (SIEEP). The workshop is taking place from 19-20 October 2017 in Maputo and is kindly hosted by the Government of Mozambique.

As part of its mandate SACREEE has started developing regional flagship projects in RE, EE and Energy access. One of the flagship programs is the SADC Industrial Energy Efficiency Program (SIEEP) which aims at promoting sustainable energy solutions in order to support the SADC industrialization agenda. The focus on the Industrial sector is critical as the region has developed an Industrialization Strategy and Roadmap (2015-2063) to spur development and growth in the SADC countries. Energy efficiency is considered to be an important instrument to make industrialization competitive by reducing costs of production and help alleviate the power deficit.

The overall objective of the workshop is to consult SADC MS and other stakeholders on the design and development of the SIEEP. The process and findings of the Scoping and Assessment on the status of the energy efficiency in the industrial sector in the SADC región will be presented.  Participants are invited to provide inputs in order to refine the scoping report and inform the design and development of the SIEEP itself.


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