PCREEE roles and activities showcased at the Tonga Finance Week

More than 1,000 visitors comprising of students, parliamentarians, church leaders, district and town officers and the general public visited the energy sector booth during Tonga’s Finance Week and learnt about Tonga’s energy sector and the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE).

The Finance Week was aimed at raising awareness about and understanding of the functions of the Ministry of Finance and its central role in the social and economic development of Tonga. Displays relating to the 10 Divisions of the Ministry and their respective roles were showcased.

Among the Divisions is the Projects and Aid Management Division, which looks after all the projects funded by Tonga’s development partners. This Division therefore looks after major energy sector projects that are highlighted in the Minister of Finance’s 2021-2022 Budget Statement that was presented to Parliament a few weeks ago. The joint Department of Energy – Tonga Power Ltd and PCREEE display at the Energy Sector Booth showcased the NZ-supported Tonga Village Network Upgrade Project, the GCF-supported Tonga Renewable Energy Project or TREP, the ADB-supported Outer Islands Renewable Energy Project or OIREP, wind power projects by China and Japan, the EU-supported Tonga Energy Sector Bill among others.   Also showcased was PCREEE’s regional effort to promote energy efficiency in the land transport sector which is in line with the goals of Tonga’s Fangaúta Lagoon Bridge and the establishment of a Land Transport Authority.  Also showcased was the PCREEE’s Sustainable Energy Entrepreneurship Facility and that is line with Tonga’s disaster and COVID-recovery effort to create more private sector investments and job opportunities. The PCREEE’s effort to have Tonga’s adopted national qualifications on Sustainable Energy and the adoption of the Tonga Energy Efficiency Master Plan were also highlighted in the event.

“The general interest on the Energy Sector in general was overwhelming. There is a much better appreciation that it is the energy sector that drives the economy and is central to the recovery from natural disasters as well as the fight against COVID-19,” said Paea Tau’aika, Capacity Building Officer at the PCREEE.

The displays were at the Falemasiva Building and ran from 13 – 15 July.



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