Partner Meeting on the Preparatory Phase of the "Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances Program in EAC and SADC" in Stockholm, Sweden - 17 - 19 April 2018

SACREEE's Executive Director, Mr Kudakwashe Ndhlukula and UNIDO/SACREEE Sustainable Energy Expert, Ms Karin Reiss, is attending a two day Partner Meeting from 17 to 19 April 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden at the Sida Office.

The United National Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), in cooperation with institutions of the East African Community (EAC), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and its partner organisations, are in the process to develop a project on "Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances in EAC and SADC" (EELA).  The project will be presented to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) for funding. 

The EELA project seeks to promote a market transformation for energy efficient lighting and appliances in the EAC and SADC regions.  More specifically, the project aims to create market and institutional conditions to enable a transformation of the sector to stimulate increased diffusion of efficient lighting products and appliances across all sectors.  The EELA project will bring regional support to private sector-led activities that will lead to increased use of energy efficient high quality lighting and appliances through regional regulatory and trade harmonization interventions; while also considering inclusiveness of all project activities to assure socially sustainable project outcomes.  Ultimately, the EELA project will increase access to modern energy services across various sectors and promote private sector involvement. 

For more information please find concept note and agenda attached. 


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