Invitation: GN-SEC Partner Meeting: Gender & Youth Empowerment in Energy

March 5, 2024, 15.00-16.00 CET
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At the occasion of International Women’s Day 2024, the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC), an initiative of the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) are happy to invite you to an interactive virtual meeting to present and discuss the Centres’ work to advance gender equality and intergenerational equity in the energy space.

At this meeting, Regional Centres from Africa, the Caribbean and the Middle East will highlight their gender and youth empowerment successes and present their future ambitions for joint action. Please join to find out more about the state of gender and youth engagement in energy in the different regions of the GN-SEC and explore entry points for future cooperation.


Moderator: Maria van Veldhuizen, GWNET


15.00 Welcome & Opening Martin Lugmayr, UNIDO
15.10 Inspirational speaker: sharing of experiences from the Caribbean region Cherri-Ann Farquharson, CCREEE (t.b.c.)
15.15 Inspirational speaker: sharing of experiences from the ECOWAS region Erica Flan, ECREEE
15.20 Inspirational speaker: sharing of experiences from the MENA region Edel Aman, RCREEE
15.25 Inspirational speaker: sharing of experiences from Southern Africa Asteria Markus, SACREEE
15.30 Why gender & youth mainstreaming is important Manfred Bürstmayr, ADA (t.b.c.)
15.35 Enhancing Gender Equality, Women Empowerment and Youth Engagement through GN-SEC Christine Lins, GWNET
15.45 Q&A  
16.00 Closing Marinette Gaillon, UNIDO


Download full invitation (PDF)


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