ECREEE facilitates exchange of experience between Senegal and Ghana on energy transition and clean cooking

ECREEE supported the Ministry responsible for energy of Senegal to organize a workshop on the development of Sustainable and affordable Energy That Promotes Social, Economic and Industrial Development, from the 30th of May to 1st of June 2023, in Dakar, Senegal.

The workshop is a follow-up to the discussion between the Government of Ghana and Senegal at COP27 in November 2022, to exchange experience used in Ghana in establishing attractive models to boost foreign investment and development in clean cooking and other energy transition projects. This will support Senegal and other countries especially in the regions with similar development trajectories, in attainment of their sustainable energy objectives. It will also serve to contribute towards unlocking SDGs with clean cooking by prioritizing access to clean cooking solutions at national and global scale.

During the workshop, ECREEE also ensured continuous synergies of actions at regional and national level, given its support to both two countries in several activities, including, the development of their National Bioenergy and Clean cooking Action Plan.

The workshop brought together nearly twenty experts from the Ministries of Energy of Ghana and Senegal, from ECREEE, and the Alliance for the Biodigester in West and Central Africa (AB-OAC).


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