Vacancy Announcement: PCREEE Sustainable Energy Private Sector Expert

To strengthen the initial technical team of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE), UNIDO is recruiting a Sustainable Energy Private Sector Expert to be based at the PCREEE Secretariat in Nuku’alofa, Tonga. During the next months, the internal office and business cycles, as well as the technical program of PCREEE will be established. Initially, the expert will assist the Interim Director in all administrative, technical and strategic issues. Once the centre proceedings are consolidated, the expert will focus more and more on technical work. The expert will join the PCREEE team comprising an Interim-Director, an energy planner, an energy efficiency expert, a renewable energy expert and a capacity building expert. The expert will report to the PCREEE Interim Director and the UNIDO project manager. The expert will closely coordinate with SIDS DOCK on the network of regional sustainable energy centers for SIDS.

Applications must be submitted online through the UNIDO Online Recruitment System at latest by 31 January 2017 at:

Further information on PCREEE and the network of regional sustainable energy centers is available at:,,,

Job expired