Two vacancies for young climate and energy professionals in São Tomé and Príncipe

UNIDO in partnership with the General Directorate for Natural Resources and Energy (DGRNE) of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Natural Resources (MIRN, former MOPIRNA) and the National Designated Authority (NDA) at the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Blue Economy (MPFEA) are implementing the GCF readiness project “Building institutional capacity for a renewable energy and energy efficiency investment programme for São Tomé and Principe”. The project is being implemented in close coordination with the ongoing UNIDO GEF project “Strategic program to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency investments in the electricity sector of São Tomé and Príncipe”.

The projects address demand and supply-side barriers which hinder the market introduction of  new sustainable energy technology products, services and business models in STP. These barriers are linked to institutional capacity and coordination, policy and regulation, knowledge and awareness, qualification and certification, entrepreneurship and innovation, and access to finance and technology. The readiness project applies a holistic approach and focuses on a paradigm-shift of the entire energy sector. It builds on past and ongoing readiness activities and will complement and/or upscale existing support and close existing gaps in the sectors ranging from government ministries, private sector, energy producers/consumers and other stakeholders.

The projects include support for RE&EE policy and regulation, knowledge management, capacity building, as well as investment and business facilitation. The focus of renewables lies on specific regulations and practical documents/procedures, which aim to reduce risks for private participation (e.g. IPPs, PPPs, auto-producers) and project finance (equity, concessional and non-concessional finance), particularly in the area of run-off-river micro/small hydro power and solar photovoltaics (PV). Moreover, the support will look into innovative areas such as the application of solar thermal systems in the health, tourism and industrial sector, energy storage and smart grids, as well as ocean energy technologies in the context of the blue economy. The activities in the energy efficiency sector focus particularly on energy efficiency standards for appliances and transport, as well as efficient cooking.

As part of the institution building activities, the GCF project includes the development and launch of a program for young energy and climate professionals, which will strengthen the future capacities of DGRNE and the NDA. Therefore, as part of the program UNIDO is recruiting a National Young Energy Professional (NYEP) and a a National Young Climate Professional (NYCP).

Deadline for applications: 20 October 2022…;…;

Job expired