SOLTRAIN Solar Thermal Project Support Scheme for Postgraduate Students

Students from all SOLTRAIN partner countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe) are invited to apply for funding of up to 2 500 Euro.

All postgraduate studies that deal with topics of solar thermal energy are eligible for funding. However, submissions on the topics listed below will be given priority.

1. Potential analysis for solar thermal systems in the health sector:

Survey of hospitals and clinics in the country, including the number of beds and the monthly average number of patients;
Calculation of hot water consumption in hospitals and clinics; and
Derivation of potential for thermal solar systems for the health sector.
2. Analysis of measurement data from selected systems from the SOLTRAIN project:

Measurement data will be provided by SOLTRAIN;
Analysis of measured data with economic and/or technical input.
3. Any topics related to the use of solar thermal technologies for heating/drying/cooling in industrial applications.

4. Documentation and analysis of mass housing programmes with mandatory installation of solar water heaters (only Namibia and South Africa):

Documentation of the programme (location, number of houses, number and size of installed Solar Water Heaters)
Questionnaire-based interviews with a significant number of users on the satisfaction with the Solar Water Heater;
Lessons learned;
Possible mass housing programmes for this survey: Namibia - NHE houses, OSONA village project / South Africa: 1 million solar water heater programme


Job expired