1.     Background information / Context

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE1) is a specialized agency of the Economic Community of West African States to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency markets in the 15 ECOWAS member states. It was established in 2010 in response to the energy poverty crisis faced by the West Africa region. The Centre acts as an independent body but within the legal, administrative and financial framework of ECOWAS rules and regulations. The ECREEE Secretariat is based in Praia, Cabo Verde. The official working languages at the Centre are English, French and Portuguese.

The overall objective of ECREEE is to contribute to the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of West Africa by improving access to modern, reliable and affordable energy services, energy security and reduction of energy related externalities such as Greenhouse Gases, local pollution, etc. More specifically, ECREEE aims to create favourable framework conditions for regional renewable energy and energy efficiency markets by supporting activities directed to mitigate existing technological, financial, economic, business, legal, policy, institutional, knowledge and capacity related barriers.

ECREEE has positioned itself as the hub for promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency in the ECOWAS region. The centre has established a regional policy framework, which includes specific targets for the years 2020 and 2030. In 2020, ECREEE is celebrating its 10 years anniversary. The year marks also the end of the first phase of the ECOWAS Policy on Renewable Energy (EREP) and the ECOWAS Policy on Energy Efficiency (EEEP). In this context, it is an excellent time to take a closer look on what has been achieved in relation to the established policy targets and which impact ECREEE has had in this process, complementary to the efforts of ECOWAS Member States. To properly assess the current situation, ECREEE in partnership with the United Nations Industrial and Development Organization (UNIDO), is evaluating the impact of the regional policy processes, and ECREEE as a regional hub, to promote the transition of the region towards renewable energy and energy efficiency.

ECREEE developed in 2012 the ECOWAS Observatory for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECOWREX2). The platform is an energy data hub for information on the energy sector in West Africa, and has become a relevant source of information on renewable energy and energy efficiency for the main stakeholders at the global, regional and local energy sector. ECOWREX counts with different sections in which users have access to open data and information on renewable energy and energy efficiency statistics, key performance indicators, spatial data, as well as other specific resources such as webinars, energy toolbox, etc.

2.     Objectives

The objectives of the internship will be:

-     To support the ECOWREX team3 with the implementation of the impact evaluation study of ECREEE. In this context, the intern will dig out different documents and resources to support the provision of the necessary data and analytics for the implementation of the study.

-     To support the ECOWREX team updating and developing new contents on the ECOWREX platform.


3.     Main tasks

-     Extract information and statistics from documents, reports, publications, online sources, and other relevant sources of information.

-     Organize the information and present it in different formats such as spreadsheets, word processing files, etc.


4.     Other tasks

-     Support updating the ECOWREX country profile data dashboards.

-     Support with the development of new dashboards for the ECOWREX country profiles and/or other sections on ECOWREX.


5.     Desired candidates

5.1. Qualifications

-     Bachelor’s Degree on energy studies with contents on renewable energy and energy efficiency, or Bachelor’s Degree in other areas such as economics, environmental sciences, electrical and/or mechanical engineering in combination with having coursed specific training courses on renewable energy and/or energy efficiency; or

-     Higher level professional training degree (also called advanced vocational education qualifications) on renewable energy and/or energy efficiency.


5.2. Skills

-     Mandatory:

o     Good management of spreadsheets and word processing tools such as excel and word.

o     High level in both oral and written communication in English. English will be the working language.

-     Desired:

o     Reading comprehension in French and Portuguese.

o     Demonstrated skills in the use of data analytics tools such as Tableau, PowerBI, etc.


6.     Conditions

-     Place of internship: ECREEE Headquarters in Praia, Cabo Verde.

-     Expected duration: one to three months.

-     Days and working hours: Monday to Friday from 9AM to 13:00hr.

-     Internship allowance during the internship period.

-     ECREEE will provide a senior supervisor who will guide and coordinate the work of the intern during the internship period.

-     Adequate accident and medical insurance to be done by the intern.


7.     How to apply

Interested candidates should submit the application by email to and in copy and with the subject “APPLICATION TO A SHORT TERM INTERNSHIP AT ECREEE”, no later than 17th May 2020. The short-listed candidates will be contacted after the submission deadline.

8.     Document to be submitted

-     Curriculum Vitae (CV)

-     Motivation letter 


1 For more information about ECREEE:


2 For more information about ECOWREX:


3 The team consists of an IT officer, an IT assistant and a GIS/Data Specialist.

Job expired