Senior Bird Observer (Project Based)

 1    Overview
RCREEE calls for individual applicants interested in working with RCREEE in the private sector in bird monitoring practices to apply and join as “Senior Bird Observer” .

2    Background

The Arabic Republic of Egypt has developed an ambitious plan to increase the contribution of renewable energy to 20% of the electricity generated by the year 2022, of which 12% of wind power plants is foreseen, mostly in the Gulf of Suez (GoS) due to wind characteristics in the area. Egypt has already several wind power projects commissioned under different financing schemes; with about 1380 MW installed capacity, especially in Zaafarana and GoS, Egypt is leading the Arab region in wind energy.

Stimulating foreign investment in renewable energy is an important tool for achieving the ambitious target. In that respect, the law No. 203 of the year 2014 on stimulating the production of electricity from renewable energy sources was enacted, setting the legal basis for the feed-in-tariff (FIT) and Build, Own and Operate (BOO) schemes to be implemented in Egypt. Based on the said law, the Egyptian government has made land available for investors in the GoS to install wind power plants. A series of wind power farms are planned to be constructed by private investors under competitive bidding scheme based on BOO approach. 

Egypt sits on the Rift Valley flyway, the second largest flyway for migrating birds in the world. An estimated 1.5 million birds of 37 species, principally raptors, storks, pelicans and ibises, use the flyway to migrate between their breeding areas in Eastern Europe and Western and Central Asia in spring and their wintering areas in Africa in autumn. The GoS area is a focal area for migrants entering and leaving the African Continent. High wind energy potentials in the GoS stimulated rapid development of wind energy facilities, which poses additional risk to migratory soaring birds (MSBs) using the area as main migration route. The principal risk to MSBs from wind energy developments is colliding with rotating turbine blades, and with associated overhead power lines. Turbine arrays within a migration flyway may also have barrier and disturbance effects on migrating bird populations. Recognizing these risks, a thorough post-construction Bird Monitoring Program and an appropriate Shutdown On-Demand (SOD) Program as well as a Fatality Monitoring Program are crucial when operating multiple wind farms within the GoS.

3    Scope of Work

The ATMP implements Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) on more than 3000 MW collective capacity wind power plants for private sector investors in the Gulf of Suez region, Egypt. 
The objective of an Avifaunal study is to provide an assessment of the use of the migratory and resident soaring birds in the project site while providing a detailed analysis of the durations that these species use at the project site and the elevations at which they are present, which would eventually provide an in-depth understanding of the predicted impact of the project on bird species. This monitoring will also highlight any globally or regionally threatened species that are present in the project site and the frequency of their use of the site. 

Monitoring avifaunal in-flight activities is one of the main pre, under and post-construction activities that are conducted at wind farm projects. In general, the main tasks of the senior bird observer are: 

  • The senior bird observer shall evaluate the amount of flight activity by species of migratory soaring birds in a defined survey area during the different seasons and how this activity is spatially and temporally distributed. These species are mainly birds of prey, pelican and storks.
  • The senior bird observer shall quantify the amount of flight activity by resident bird species in the survey area during the different seasons, and how this activity is spatially and temporally distributed. 
  • The senior bird observer shall record the presence and abundance within the study area of other bird species of conservation importance, such as globally threatened species according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2020-3) throughout the survey period. 
  • The senior bird observer shall be responsible for training and assessing junior bird observers on site during the peak migration periods.
  • The senior bird observer will be responsible for daily communication, briefing, and raw data collection in order to be organized, processed, analyzed and reported internally to the Client, then eventually to the Beneficiaries.

4    Job requirements:

The selected Senior Bird Observer shall have the following qualifications:

4.1    Experience & Technical Skills Required

  • At least 5 years’ experience in survey of biological environments, including ornithological survey of migratory birds and habitats;
  • At least 5 years’ experience in data analysis and interpretation of biological data;
  • At least 5 years’ working experience in EIA of renewable energy projects;
  • At least 5 years’ experience in BMP through visual observations;
  • Very good working knowledge about local and international guidelines for EIA and Monitoring Protocols for Wind Energy Development Projects;
  • At least 3 years’ professional experience of work in the Middle East; 

4.2    Education & Qualifications

  • University degree (or equivalent) in Environmental Science (e.g., Biology, Environmental Management & Planning, Natural Resource Use) or in a related field.
  • Familiar with international donor’s projects.
  • Gulf of Suez/Red Sea Governorate citizen is an advantage

5    Equal Opportunities

RCREEE is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, disability, or marital status.

6    How to apply

All individual candidates interested in working with RCREEE in the private sector in bird monitoring practices must submit their CV and cover letter to demonstrate their qualifications to by November 15, 2021 at 15:00 (Cairo Time). 

All junior and senior CVs will be technically assessed and approved by an Evaluation Committee, in which each applicant will be interviewed and examined to ensure competences. Based on the Evaluation Committees results, each applicant will fall under one of the three categories; (i) Bird Monitoring Program, (ii) Fatality Monitoring Program, and/or (iii) Shutdown on Demand Program. Once approved, each applicant will be arranged to complete an EEAA certified bird observer program to continue work with RCREEE.

*Emails without subject line will be automatically discarded.
**Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

Job expired