Research Intern - SADC Grid Intergration


The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) is cooperating with the Regional Electricity Regulators Association of Southern Africa (RERA), the Southern African Power Pool Coordination Centre (SAPP CC) and the University of California Santa Barbara in implementing a research project “Accelerating large-scale renewable energy deployment in Southern Africa by bridging analysis and application through decision support tools”, shortened “RE Decision Support Tools”. The Project is funded by the Applied Research Programme on Energy for Economic Growth (EEG), led by Oxford Policy Management. EEG is funded by the UK Government, through UK Aid.


The RE Decision Support Tools project aims to identify renewable energy (RE) resources and grid integration strategies that are specific to the challenges, needs, and opportunities in Southern African countries, specifically twelve mainland SADC Member States that are members of SAPP. By doing so, the project seeks to extend existing studies in a way that is directly relevant for near-term decision-making while considering long-term development ambitions. The deliverable is a SAPP applicable electricity planning and operation model on an open source platform that, Ministries of Energy, Regulators, Utilities and any other entities can use.


SACREEE invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for a Research Internship position.
The ideal candidate will support research on modelling low-carbon electricity systems by integrating climate change considerations in low-carbon power sector planning for Southern Africa. The ideal candidate will be expected to contribute towards; writing peer-reviewed publications, oral presentations, and developing policy briefs and reports for SADC Member states and other key stakeholders such as SAPP, RERA and development partners. The ideal candidate will work closely with the Renewable Energy Expert at SACREEE.

For more details please refer the the attached Terms of Reference or contact:


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