Request for Proposals for the Provision of Services related to the Development of a Communication Strategy and Action Plan

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) was established as a subsidiary organization of the SADC, by the Ministers responsible for the Energy sector in 2015. SACREEE Secretariat is hosted by the Government of Namibia through its Ministry of Mines and Energy in Windhoek. The Centre was established with technical support of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and financial assistance of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). SACREEE’s mandate is to contribute to the region’s (1) increased access to clean and affordable energy, and (2) increased security of energy supply; through the promotion of market-based adoption of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies and energy services.
SACREEE publishes the SADC Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report biennially. The Status Report captures the status of the sustainable energy markets, investments in distributed and on-grid solutions as well as examines the policy trends and regulatory frameworks in the region. It explores the latest market developments and activities undertaken in the SADC region to accelerate the diffusion of energy efficiency and renewable energy at national level and regionally and promote local as well as foreign direct investments.
SACREEE is strategically positioned to collaborate and work with stakeholders in the 16 SADC Member States. These include electric regulators and utilities, standards bureaus, ministries responsible for environment and climate change, researchers, private sector, and civic organisations, etc. Some of the key development partners and international organisations that SACREEE works with to fulfil its mandate include United Nations agencies, ADA, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the World Bank, African Development Bank, the European Union, International Energy Agency (IEA) and the United States Agency for International Development, among others. Additional information is available from
The services required in these Terms of Reference (ToR) include the development and support the implementation of a Communication Strategy and Action Plan that will communicate the mandate of SACREEE, create awareness, through various activities and ultimately improve stakeholder relations. 
The objective of the assignment is to develop a Communication Strategy and Action Plan and support its implementation to increase visibility of SACREEE and its objectives in the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies and services as per SACREEE’s Business Plan (2019 -2023). The consultant is encouraged to adopt a participatory approach involving project team members and other project stakeholders in creating the key messages.
Two proposals, Technical and Financial, must be submitted in separate electronic files clearly marked “Technical_ (Name of Company)” and “Financial_ (Name of Company)” in addition to bearing the tender reference.
The extended deadline for submission of all proposals is the 18th of February 2022 no later than 23:59 Windhoek time.  
The proposals should be addressed to:
The Executive Director: SACREEE
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, through standard electronic communication to: SACREEE will respond by standard electronic mail to the queries to all consultants without identifying the source of inquiry. No requests for clarification should be sent to individual SACREEE staff. 

Please find detailed Terms of Reference below. 


Job expired