REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST - Expert on fish value chain technology - solar ice and drying

ECREEE is seeking for qualified experts in the application of solar technology for fisheries. Experts in one or more of the following areas should send their CVs to . Please kindly indicate in the email which is/are your areas of specialization.

  • Design models or specifications of solar energy use for ice making machines and fish drying infrastructure;
  • Design models or specifications of cooling/ice holding boxes, designs and materials for local construction;
  • Water desalination;
  • Design model for fish value chain development (at post-harvest management, traders organizations  e.g. co-operatives, fish quality/standards and market development);
  • Review the draft structural designs of the solar fish drying facilities;
  • Installing pilot design models for the solar fish drying facilities;
  • Installing pilot design models for solar fish drying facilities (at least on one or two initial landing sites);
  • Technical assistance on formation of co-operatives;
  • Marketing strategies. 

Job expired