PFAN Call for Proposals: Southern Africa Projects in circular economy, agriculture, water, forestry, biomass, ecosystems and biodiversity

Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) is a global network of climate and clean energy financing experts, which offers business coaching and investment facilitation free of charge to entrepreneurs developing climate and clean energy projects in emerging markets, providing a fast track to investment. PFAN Southern Africa is continuing to expand our efforts to accelerate the development of climate-related and clean energy projects in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) countries through personalized one-on-one coaching and targeted introductions to investors.

In particular, PFAN is looking for businesses, entrepreneurs, innovators, and social enterprises working in the following sectors: circular economy, agriculture, and water, or forestry, biomass, ecosystems and biodiversity, which impact or are being impacted by climate change. Ideally, the finance required for these projects should be between USD 1 – 50 million (although slightly lower finance requirements can be supported for initiatives that have high replication potential). 

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Job expired