Individual Consultant to Develop A Bankable Project Proposal and Sector Roll-Out (BPSR) Proposal for the Solar Thermal Technology Roadmap (STTR) and Implementation Plan For Botswana

The UNDP/GEF funded Biogas Project aims to support development of an enabling environment in so far as the increment of use of renewables in Botswana. To that end, a green certification framework is being developed by the project to incentivise industries using energy efficient systems such as solar water heaters in efforts to encourage uptake of renewables. Development of a roll-out plan for solar thermal systems would support implementation of this framework as well as support the increased use of renewables in Botswana. UNDP is therefore seeking the services of an individual consultant to develop a bankable project proposal for realisation of the Botswana roadmap and determination of sector roll-out proposal documents that will support the implementation of the national Solar Thermal Technology Roadmap and Implementation Plan.

This assignment is aimed at

  1. developing a bankable proposal to secure funding from international donor organisations, non-governmental agencies, and local funding institutions;
  2. developing a sector roll-out proposal to integrate technology, commercial, and social aspects of the roadmap to the short-, medium- and long-term plans of relevant government ministries, agencies and/or parastatals; and
  3. developing a costed action plan for the 2 proposals

All these steps are geared towards achieving the objectives of national Solar Thermal Technology Roadmap and Implementation Plan.

Further details

Job expired