Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the Compilation of the SADC 2021 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report




NAME OF PROJECT:  Southern African Power Pool Program for Accelerating Transformational Energy

Projects Grant No.: H9890 

Assignment Title: Compilation of the SADC 2021 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report

The World Bank is preparing a Program with the Southern Africa Power Pool (SAPP) to help accelerate preparation of priority regional power generation and transmission projects in the region of the Southern African Power Pool. The Program Development Objective is “to facilitate the preparation of priority regional energy projects in the Southern African Power Pool region”. 

As part of this initiative, the SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) Secretariat through SAPP intends to procure the services of the Compilation of the SADC 2021 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report. 

Objective of the assignment

In order to harness the SADC region’s potential and scale-up renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) development to contribute to improved energy access and energy security as well as meeting the region’s developmental agenda and climate change targets, it is necessary to provide a comprehensive overview of its infrastructure, industry, policy, regulations, market development, economic and population growth. It is also important to highlight potential projects that can be development in the short and medium term.

The main objective of the assignment is to develop the SADC 2021 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report that will showcase RE and EE development, policy patterns and investment opportunities within the SADC Region.

Brief Scope of work

  • Brief training of country data collectors
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Compilation of the Status Report
  • Report Translation into French and Portuguese languages
  • Launch of the Report

Required Qualifications and Experience  

The Consultant shall be a qualified, internationally recognized firm. The Consulting Firm should have knowledge and understanding of SADC energy landscape and communication procedures and have strong acumen for data and research and ability for effective information dissemination within the confines of SADC procedures and communication protocols. Experience in working and engaging with diverse stakeholder groups, notably public authorities, donors, and international companies in the energy sector with respect for multi-cultural diversity. 

The assignment will require a high level of proficiency for both written and spoken English, and the team should demonstrate ability to communicate and analyse documents. The final Report will be translated into French and Portuguese languages and the knowledge of both languages will be an added advantage.

The firm should be able to field a team, covering at a minimum the Team leader, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Expert, and a Communication and Information Specialist.

The SAPP now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.

The shortlisting criteria are:

  • Years in business with relevant experience
  • Availability of qualified and experienced Team members
  • Approach to the assignment
  • Evidence of having executed relevant projects in terms of similar size / volume and complexity

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Regulations. 

Further information can be obtained through email during office hours from Monday to Friday [ 09:00 to 16:00 hours].

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the email address below by 11 February 2022 at 15:00 hours Central African time and mention "Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the Compilation of the SADC 2021 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report“ 

Address and Contact: 

Southern African Power Pool

Attention: Thembekani Luthuli, SAPP-PAU Procurement Specialist

Tel: +27 10 446 9600/+27 72 709 7252

Email Address:

Job expired