EOI: WAREP Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

ECREEE is seeking to recruit a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, as part of the implementation of the West Africa Regional Energy Program (WAREP), financed by the African Development Bank (AFDB).

The M&E Specialist will support the PIU in undertaking all activities related to project preparation and, implementation in all countries as listed below. S/he will report to the Executive Director. The proposed scope of work will include the following activities:

  1. Based on the Results Framework and Monitoring Plan included in the project appraisal report (PAR) and in consultation with the project team and relevant stakeholders, lead the development of a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (MEP) to monitor, evaluate and report on WAREP Project activities, outputs, and outcomes. The Plan should comprise:
  • A data collection plan prescribing the method for the collection, analysis, use, and management of data for each indicator. The plan should include data collection tools and provide the methodology for ensuring data quality;
  • A Performance Indicator Tracking Table, providing a global view of progress achieved for each indicator and facilitating results reporting;
  • A training plan describing the methodologies for building the capacity of stakeholders in data collection and reporting;
  1. Lead the implementation of the M&E Plan;
  2. Produce quarterly technical reports as per the grant agreement;
  3. Contribute to the development of high-quality implementation progress reports (IPRs), mid-term review reports (MTR), and project completion reports (PCR);
  4. Build the capacities of stakeholders in data collection, use, and reporting;
  5. Facilitate the review of project performance;
  6. Manage the process of conducting an independent mid-term evaluation;
  7. Provide technical assistance any research initiatives that may be deemed necessary by AfDB and/or ECREEE;
  8. Collaborate with the Communications Officer of ECREEE to develop a communication plan describing the vehicles that will be used to disseminate project activities, results and lessons learned
  9. Participate in supervision missions to ascertain the status of implementation of activities, assess the quality of reported data, and make recommendations for improvement where necessary;
  10. Collaborate with all other staff, especially, the Project Coordinator, and Clean Energy Mini-Grid Specialist to achieve optimum results; and
  11. Report to the Steering Committee.

For more information, kindly download the documents below


Job expired