ECREEE Senior Program Management Expert

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with funding of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), is supporting the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) to adapt technically and institutionally to the new requirements of the Strategic Plan covering the period 2017 to 2021. ECREEE is at cross-roads and needs to align its internal proceedings and competence to the changing demands of ECOWAS Member States. To contribute to positive institutional change, UNIDO is recruiting an experienced international Senior Program Management Expert to be based at the ECREEE Secretariat in Praia, Cabo Verde.
The professionalization and rapidly changing clean energy and climate technology space in ECOWAS comes with new competence and skills requirements for ECREEE staff. ECREEE is currently transiting from “first mover/baseline” activities in the areas of policy, awareness, capacity building and knowledge management to more specialized services. The area of investment and business promotion has become a priority. During this institutional transition, the ability to respond to the needs of businesses and entrepreneurs becomes increasingly important. ECREEE plays also an important role to shape technology cooperation/transfer, and integration processes to the region in a more inclusive way. This requires a stronger focus on the supply-side of technology markets (e.g. entrepreneurship, innovation, incubation, acceleration, quality infrastructure, cluster building). The uptake of these technology markets requires the participation of the domestic private sector.
Since the operationalization of the centre in 2010, many relevant mile-stones have been achieved. In a very short time, ECREEE has positioned itself as the hub for promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency in the ECOWAS region. The centre has developed a highly visible pipeline of flagship programs and projects and raised high international and regional awareness. The centre has become a “game changer“ for the promotion of equal progress among ECOWAS Member States and the harmonization and coordination of national and regional policy processes and donor activities. Moreover, as one of the first regional centres, ECREEE plays a key role in operationalizing the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) and its joint activities.
In close coordination with the Executive Director (ED) of ECREEE and the UNIDO project manager, the senior expert will take domestic leadership in the implementation of the UNIDO project “Capacity-building support for the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the scope of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres”. The expert acts as integrated expert and supports the senior management of ECREEE in the further strengthening of its internal proceedings, quality frameworks and the expansion of its technical program. The expert demonstrates diplomatic skills, empathy and compassion which allows him/her to contribute to positive institutional change as a mentor and coach. The expert understands his/her assignment as timely limited support to ECREEE staff and stays in the background. The implementation of the project requires a sound mixture of senior management, institution building, programme management and energy skills.
All applications must be submitted through the UNIDO Online Recruitment System at latest by 14 February 2019 (CET). Further information is available at:  

Job expired