Call for candidates for the position of Energy Expert at the League of Arab States

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Deadline: April 15, 2018

Contract: One year with a 6 months probation period.                                    

Application: Qualified candidates should send CV and a cover letter to: with “LAS Energy  Expert” as email subject


1- Job Description

The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) is facilitating and managing the appointment of an expert in the Energy Department of the League of Arab States (LAS). The work of the expert will be done under the supervision of the Director of Energy Department. The expert will join  energy department (LAS) to contribute to the on-going scope of work by attending and participating in workshops and conferences geared towards the fostering, boosting and development of the region’s energy sector. The position requires the candidate to possess very good analytical skills and knowledge of the energy sector and the different key players regionally and internationally. The expert will be able to work in an official environment and work closely with decision makers and various organizations and institutions.

2- Duties and responsibilities:

The LAS Energy Expert will follow up LAS directives and activities in the field of RE&EE as a leading Arab Organization on political, social and economic levels. LAS works in close partnership with the many national, regional and international organizations, and is a leading partner and technical assistant provider in many projects.  LAS aims to strengthen its position as a recognized regional policy driver, knowledge and information leader. LAS is always working in close coordination with its member states and partners. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to private sector’s participation and full engagement in the implementation of RE&EE.

The LAS Energy Expert  will be expected to participate in LAS activities in the following areas, as assigned by the Director of Energy Department:

  • Managing projects and provision of in depth and reliable technical and policy advising  to member states and a range of clients with thorough analysis positioning LAS as a regional knowledge hub on RE&EE activities and best practices.
  • Managing, undertaking and developing a wide range of advisory work with LAS’s public and private sector clients.
  • Providing advice/technical services to energy department at LAS.
  • Providing technical assistance to countries to support the planning and the implementation of strategies, policies, action plans and programs.
  • Work with member states energy related organizations and authorities, major energy users or energy supply companies, financial institutions and international organizations. 
  • Track progress and draft relevant reports and documents. Use analytical skills and experience to prepare technical and policy-relevant reports and papers. High standard of written work in Arabic and English is necessary (particularly in the writing of formal project reports), including the ability to absorb and undertake  complex issues and communicate them to the public briefly.
  • Following up LAS directions and action plans on renewable energy and energy efficiency and help elaborate their various measures of implementation.

The LAS Energy Expert is also responsible for performing the administrative tasks necessary to accomplish his job, including but not limited to:

  • Filling out time sheets and other office paperwork, as appropriate.
  • Prepare a monthly report “tickers” to the LAS Energy Department, RCREEE and GIZ.
  • Participating in and assisting with trainings and capacity building for staff, and member states specialists, including delivering presentations, workshops, webinars, e-learning and other channels.
  • Attending and preparing agendas for committee and ministerial meetings, and other meetings and events as assigned.
  • Provide/report summarized feedbacks on the impact of different regional and international events/decisions/projects of concern to the LAS Energy Department.

3- Qualifications and skills:

  • The position is open to candidates at international level (preferably Arabs).
  • Master's degree in relevant subjects (e.g. engineering, energy and environmental management, energy policy) and 10+ years of professional experience, or Bachelor’s degree in relevant subjects and 15+ years of professional experience.
  • A working experience with international or regional organization in relevant fields will be considered an advantage.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and familiarity with the current RE&EE situation in the Arab region and in the world, including prior knowledge about existing regulatory frameworks, technological preferences, institutional capacities, and RE&EE financing mechanisms.
  • Proven experience in project management.
  • Ability to produce high quality comprehensive analysis, and to draft and review reports.
  • Demonstrated ability to work with teams and independently with limited senior staff guidance.
  • Excellent communication and problem solving skills.
  • Excellent Microsoft Office skills.
  • Proficiency in Arabic and English. Proficiency in French will be considered  an advantage.

4- Preferred Qualifications:

  • Familiarity with the energy sector in general and electricity sector in particular, including regulated economics, electricity generation, and project development.
  • Consulting experience or other client-service experience.
  • Familiarity with financial analysis, project finance and business models.
  • Familiarity with socio-economic and environmental dimensions of RE&EE projects.

5- General Terms and Conditions:

  • The Candidate is required to be based in  Cairo.
  • The Candidate will respect the confidentiality nature of the information which he/she will be exposed to during his/her appointment.

6- Duration of Appointment:

  • The initial appointment will be for 12 months including a 6 months’ probation period.
  • Contract extension will be subject to performance, needs and availability of funds.

7- Gender Mainstreaming:

  • RCREEE is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

How to Apply:

To apply please send your  CV and a cover letter highlighting relevant work experience to: at the latest by April 15, 2018 with the subject line: LAS Energy Expert.

Emails without subject line will be automatically discarded.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Job expired