Call for Applicants from the Private Sector to join RCREEE Executive Committee

  1. Background

Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) is an independent intergovernmental and not-for-profit organization that aims to enable and increase the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices in the Arab region. RCREEE teams up with governments and global organizations in the region to initiate and lead policy dialogues and strategies to promote clean energy technologies and capacity development aimed at increasing the Arab States' share of sustainable energy.

More about RCREEE:

  1. Responsibilities of Executive Committee

RCREEE Executive Committee represents the BoT (Board of Trustees) between its sessions. It is responsible to oversee the implementation of the decisions of the BoT and to advise the RCREEE secretariat. As such, it serves the RCREEE Secretariat as a point of contact for consultations on ongoing affairs.

Tasks and responsibilities of the RCREEE Executive Committee comprise:
I. Make submissions to the Board of Trustees (e.g. draft of the vision and work program, strategies and policies etc., which are prepared by the RCREEE Secretariat)
II. Approve the action plan of RCREEE as well as any modifications thereof
III. Review and comment on annual reports, financial statements and budgets prepared by the Secretariat, to be submitted to the BoT,
IV. Set up and issue the decisions required to be undertaken by the Executive Director of RCREEE in order to implement RCREEE strategy, ,
V. Search and appoint the Executive Director,
VI. Approve and ratify the recruitment of RCREEE staff upon proposal of the Executive Director,
VII. Consult with Member States on priority issues,
VIII. Represent RCREEE in international events and in international organizations.

  1. Competencies and Qualifications

  • Applicants for one of the private sector seats must be a legal representative of an industrial, consulting and engineering firm/or a developer of projects in the fields of renewable energies and energy efficiency. His firm main office should be located in one of the member states countries. He cannot be not a representative of a commercial agent.

  • At least a BSc’s degree, Engineering, Mechanical/Electrical, Environment, Energy or business administration with minimum of 15 years in technical and administrative fields.

  • A minimum of 15+ years of Proven experience in a managerial role including 10+ in a senior leadership role (CEO/Managing Director preferable).

  • Arabic language is a must. Fluent or at least good command of English/French written and spoken is an added advantage.

  • Solid understanding of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Field.

  1. Duration of appoitntment

Executive Committee Members are appointed, for a period of three years, by the BoT in accordance to the nomination of the member states. Appointments nevertheless shall reflect the regional character of the RCREEE initiativ

   5. Workload

RCREEE Executive Committee Members are expected to spend on average two working days per month, on their function as Executive Committee Member and shall be compensated accordingly. It is expected that the Executive Committee will convene two to four times a year. In addition, Executive Committee Members are expected to be available for telephone conferences and (short) written consultations. Executive Committee Members are expected to be willing to represent RCREEE in international events.

   6. How to apply

Qualified candidates should send an updated CV to noting the following:

  • Deadline: January 31, 2022 (11:59 Cairo Local Time)
  • Email subject line: “Executive Committee Member”

   7. Documents:

*Emails without subject line will be automatically discarded
*Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

Job expired