The high-level luncheon event “Mission Transforming Island Lives! The Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres for Small Island Developing States” is being organized under the umbrella of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres
(GN-SEC), by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization
(UNIDO) together with the Small Island Sustainable Energy and Climate Resilience Organization
(SIDS DOCK) and the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and the Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS). The event is scheduled to take place on the margins of the High-Level SAMOA Pathway Midterm Review on 27 September 2019 at United Nations Headquarters.
Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Pacific Community (SPC), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Governments of Austria, Norway, Spain

At the Third International Conference on SIDS, held in September 2014 in Apia, Samoa, UNIDO and SIDS DOCK launched a
SAMOA Pathway Partnership, which aims at the establishment of a network of regional sustainable energy centres for SIDS in Africa, Caribbean, Pacific and Indian Ocean. This constitutes one of the official commitments made. Laudable progress has been achieved and the network has become fully operational.
The Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Centre (
CCREEE) is operating in Bridgetown, Barbados, and the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (
PCREEE) in Nuku'alofa, Tonga. The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (
ECREEE), based in Praia, Cabo Verde, acts as hub for African SIDS. The network receives key technical support by UNIDO and financial assistance by the Governments of Austria, Norway and Spain.
The centres are owned by the respective regional organisations and governed by ratified international agreements. They aim to accelerate the uptake of sustainable energy technology markets by creating economies of scale, equal progress and spill-over effects between countries. Through regional approaches, the centres complement and replicate national efforts in the areas of policy and regulations, capacity development, knowledge management and awareness, as well as investment and business promotion. The centres serve as hubs for domestic and international partnerships. Under the umbrella of the GN-SEC platform and SIDS DOCK, the centres cooperate on SIDS-SIDS energy issues and solutions.
The high-level luncheon event will review the progress of the SAMOA Pathway Partnership on the Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers for SIDS. Each regional center will get the opportunity to “pitch” its transformative vision and one innovative regional priority program to the participating high-level delegates for discussion and consideration. As a follow-up to the luncheon, the centers and their key partners will jointly develop and promote the programs. It is expected to organize a follow-up meeting at the
2020 Vienna Energy Forum scheduled to take place in June 2020 in the Vienna Hofburg, Austria.
Opening: The event will start with opening remarks by the facilitator and an introductory video on a SIDS Children Call for Climate Action. Keynote speeches of UN, SIDS countries and development partners will follow.
Pitches: Following the opening, the leaders of the regional centers will “pitch” their transformative vision and one innovative regional priority program to the audience.
Q&A session: The facilitator will actively engage the audience in a question-and-answer session.
High-level delegates from Small Island Developing States (SIDS), representatives from United Nations agencies, bilateral donor agencies, international financial institutions, foundations and corporations (by invitation only). SIDS country delegations are encouraged to nominate the head of delegation (plus one attendant).
The event is limited to 150 guests. Registration is required. The detailed agenda of the event is available below. Please fill the form at:
To have access to the UN Building, participants need to be accredited for the SAMOA Pathway High Level Midterm Review.
For questions or suggestions related to the content of the event, please do not hesitate to contact the focal points by e-mail:
Mr. Martin Lugmayr, Climate Policy and Partnerships Division, Department of Energy, UNIDO, GN-SEC Coordinator
Mr. Al Binger, Small Island Sustainable Energy and Climate Resilience Organisation (SIDS DOCK)
For logistical queries, please contact Mie Vedel-Jorgensen, UNIDO New York Office:, +1 917-367-9461 or Ms. Christine Duncan, SIDS DOCK, (mobile 1-404-831-8903),
Fotos of the event are available here.