Support to the Energy Sector in Five ACP Pacific Islands (REP-5) Final Report

The  REP-5  programme  “Support  to  the  Energy  Sector  in  5  Pacific  Island  States”  is  a  regional initiative  being  implemented  by  the  Pacific  Islands Forum  Secretariat  (PIFS)  supported  with funding  from  the  9thEuropean  Development  Fund  (EDF9).  The  REP-5  programme  focuses  on renewable energy and demand-side energy efficiency activities. There are five countries participating in the REP-5programme. These are the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Nauru, Niue, Palau and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI). Within the FSM, all four States of Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei andKosrae are participating in the programme. The  REP-5  programme  began  in  January  2006  and  was  originally  scheduled  to  finish  on  the 31stDecember  2009.  However,  following  a  successful  application  to  the  European  Commission (EC) for extension of the implementation period, the REP-5 programme is now scheduled to end on 31st December 2010. 

keyword: REP5, EDF9


Katerina Syngellakis
Peter Konings
Philippe McCracken
Marc Torra Griso
Year Published
Publication Category
Technical Publications
Project Related Documents
Publication Thematic Areas
Renewables, Electricity, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security
Countries covered
Federated States of Micronesia
Republic of the Marshall Islands