Post Title: Executive Director
Duty Station: CCREEE Headquarters in Bridgetown,Barbados
Duration: Three years, Contract-based




Reporting to the Executive Board, the Executive Director (ED) will coordinate the activities of the Centre with the Energy Unit of the CARICOM Secretariat and work closely with development partners and other supporting institutions to strengthen the strategic partnerships that are necessary for enabling to Centre in the discharge of its mandate. Specifically, the ED will be responsible for the following:


Management and Organizational Development:

o Coordinating and managing the institutional arrangements for the Centre, which include the network of National Focal Institutions (NFIs) among Member Countries and the Thematic Hubs (TH), organizing regular meetings with the NFIs and THs, as well as supporting the Executive Board (EB) in the management of the Technical Committee (TC) and other subsidiary technical bodies of the Centre;

o Implementing the decisions and recommendations of the CCREEE Executive Board (EB) and Technical Committee (TC), to ensure effective organizational development of the Centre and its strategic positioning in the regional and international renewable energy and energy efficiency markets;

o Developing, in cooperation with the relevant stakeholders, the CCREEE Five-Year Business Plans (including organizational chart, budget, logical framework and performance indicators), as well as the submission of the Plan to the TC and EB for approval;

o Developing, in cooperation with the relevant stakeholders, the annual work plans, progress reports and financial statements (to be externally audited) for the CCREEE, as well as the submission of the aforementioned documents to the TC and EB for approval;

o Providing strategic guidance and inputs for the annual work plans of the Centre, thereby ensuring long-term budgetary and other planning, as well as the financial sustainability of the operations, programs and projects of the CCREEE;

o Providing support to the external auditors and evaluators assigned by the Executive Board to monitor the transparency and accountability of the Centre, as well as implement the recommendations of the external auditors and evaluators when approved by the Executive Board;

o Ensuring the efficient implementation of the activities and cost-effective use of financial resources, which are approved in the annual work plans of the CCREEE;

o Working with the chairman of the CCREEE Finance and Procurement Sub-Committee to ensure adherence to standard processes and templates that allow transparent and timely implementation of accounting procedures and procurement methodologies;

o Signing of contracts with staff, consultants and/or parties contracted to the CCREEE, on the basis of the rules and procedures of the Centre, recommended by the CCREEE Finance and Procurement Sub-Committee, and approved through the Executive Board, as well as monitor the implementation of the contracts;

o Leading and coordinating efforts to mobilize new resources for CCREEE and managing the relationships with development partners to ensure donor retention and satisfaction.

o Ensuring that the Centre meets and maintains all fiduciary standards (financial, administrative, procurement, internal controls, project management, etc.) required to manage international donor funding (e.g. European Commission, GEF, UN, etc.). Ensure that CCREEE staff and contractors implement and maintain the established quality standards;

o Ensuring, through regular reports from the Head for Administration and Finance, financial accountability, recommending and overseeing the implementation of internal control mechanisms;

o Ensuring the quality of CCREEE contracts and progress reports on programs and projects, as well as ensuring timely financial disbursements and payments according to established payment schedules;

o Managing the timely preparation and dispatch of financial reports for projects as required by international donors;

o Overseeing the implementation of the staff and recruitment rules, and the recruitment of qualified regional and international administrative and technical staff, in accordance with the rules and recruitment plan, as well as the organizational chart for the CCREEE;

o Ensuring effective human resource processes (e.g. performance appraisal), as well as effective management practices that manage and supervise staff fairly and efficiently, in accordance with labour market best practices and laws;

o Ensuring that seconded international experts are fittingly and appropriately integrated into the Centre in a manner that is consistent with the terms and conditions of the secondment;

o Monitoring the progress of the technical and financial implementation of the annual work plans of the CCREEE, with the elaboration of periodical reports on the progress and achievements in relation to the objectives, results and indicators (incl. analytical recommendations for adaptations and revision of activities in the Business Plan) of the Centre;

o Monitoring the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the CCREEE program (as described by the CCREEE Business Plan), with strategic guidance and decision-support provided to the Executive Board on areas that are considered necessary for achievement of the program objectives; and

o Overseeing the regular compilation of information and analytics, provided through the NFIs, THs and any other implementing partner, on progress regarding the execution of CCREEE activities for dissemination to TC and EB members.

o Ensuring the maintenance of excellent relationships with existing development partners and the cultivation of relationships with new partners;


Technical Cooperation and Supervision

o Representing the Centre and raising awareness on renewable energy and energy efficiency opportunities in the Caribbean region as well as on international levels, including regular travel to Caribbean countries and international key events to participate in conferences and workshops;

o Preparing and submitting CARICOM/SIDS DOCK policy inputs/statements on renewable energy and energy efficiency to be considered in international energy and climate processes;

o Supervising the development, appraisal, implementation, and monitoring of CCREEE projects and programs in the areas of capacity and policy development, knowledge management and investment and business promotion; supervising the successful hosting of conferences, workshops and trainings of the Centre;

o Giving guidance on the development and implementation of CCREEE flagship programs. Taking leadership in the development and implementation of sustainable energy targets in cooperation with the CARICOM Secretariat through its Energy Unit, SIDS DOCK and other relevant stakeholders.

o Ensuring that the CCREEE activities are in line with the Business Plan and annual work plans, national policies, strategies and legislation; avoiding duplication of activities implemented by other actors or donors, and cooperating closely with the CARICOM Secretariat through its Energy Unit and SIDS DOCK;

o Supervising the technical staff on project cycle management issues and in renewable energy and energy efficiency interventions;

o Supervising the quality, appraisal and project cycle management framework for activities to be co-funded and/or implemented under the CCREEE program;

o Constantly mobilizing funding and other resources for activities of the Centre and contributing to the preparation of project proposals to be co-funded by local or international development partners; participating in calls for proposals;

o Contributing to quality assurance throughout the project cycle of a wide range of different CCREEE activities (e.g. training, conferences, policy activities, co-funding of projects);

o Assuring quality of approved projects according to donor requirements and ensure that social, environmental, and gender impacts have been assessed; participate actively in the evaluation of tender bids and project proposals;

o Supervising the preparation and execution of complex technical procurements and calls for proposals; supervising staff to effectively monitor consultants or installations;

o Strengthening the regional network of National Focal Institutions (NFIs) and the network of Thematic Hubs (THs) of CCREEE and contributing to the organization of coordination meetings;

o Coordinating and cooperating closely with the core partners of the Centre (e.g. SIDS DOCK, UNIDO, ADA, GIZ, CDB);

o Seeking active involvement of the Centre in international decision and negotiating processes intended to advance financing for sustainable energy activities.



o Facilitating regular consultations with CARILEC, the National Focal Institutions (NFIs), Thematic Hubs (THs) and other key energy market stakeholders in the region;

o Building strong technical partnerships between the Centre and other institutions in the region or on international levels; making use of know-how and technology transfer; creating south-south partnerships and strong links and exchange to the SIDS regional centers in Africa and the Pacific;

o Acting as the focal point for the implementation of all sustainable energy activities in the Caribbean, and for the Caribbean in international organizations and fora (e.g. IRENA, GEF);

o Establishing and maintaining strategic links to donor partners and to loan and equity finance institutions to raise funding for RE & EE investment projects (such as development banks in donor countries, national or regional development banks);

o Managing a communication network with the CARICOM Private Sector Organisation (CPSO), national and regional chambers of commerce and other RE & EE lobbying agencies in the Caribbean region;

o Engaging relevant stakeholders in renewable energy policy dialogue, including public institutions, civil society and the private sector;

o Ensuring effective public relations and publication of information on the CCREEE programs to different target groups (communication strategy, forums);

o Ensuring awareness raising on RE and EE in the Caribbean region;

o Maintaining a comprehensive RE & EE contact network in the Caribbean region (e.g. focal points, private sector) and internationally;



1. Integrity:

• Ethical Leadership: Acting as a moral compass for the Centre, upholding high ethical standards, and demonstrating honesty and fairness in decision-making processes.
• Transparency: Ensuring openness in the Centre’s operations and communications, fostering a culture where accountability is paramount.

2. Professionalism:

• Expertise: Maintaining a high level of knowledge and continuous learning in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as regional and international energy policies.
• Excellence: Striving for the highest quality in work and outcomes, setting and exemplifying standards that inspire staff and stakeholders.

3. Respect for Diversity:

• Inclusivity: Promoting an environment that respects diverse traditions, heritages, opinions, and experiences within the workforce and among member countries.
• Equity: Ensuring that all activities and policies are fair and provide equal opportunities for all, regardless of background.

4. Visionary Leadership:

• Strategic Foresight: Demonstrating the ability to foresee energy trends and challenges, leading the Centre with a clear, strategic vision for the future.
• Innovation: Encouraging creative approaches and solutions to meet the energy needs and challenges of the Caribbean region.

5. Collaboration:

• Partnership Building: Fostering strong relationships with regional and international partners, stakeholders, and communities to achieve common goals.
• Team Empowerment: Encouraging a collaborative team environment where every member feels valued and empowered to contribute to the Centre’s objectives.

6. Sustainability:

• Environmental Stewardship: Ensuring that the Centre’s activities support environmental sustainability and contribute positively to the fight against climate change.
• Long-term Perspective: Planning and executing programs with consideration for their long-term impact on the Caribbean’s energy landscape and sustainability goals.

7. Adaptability:

• Agility: Responding swiftly to changes in the energy sector, adapting strategies and plans to new circumstances and opportunities.
• Resilience: Building a robust organization that can withstand economic, environmental, and social shocks, ensuring the continuity of the Centre’s operations.

8. Commitment to Development:

• Social Responsibility: Being dedicated to the socio-economic development of the Caribbean, ensuring that energy policies and programs benefit all layers of society.
• Capacity Building: Investing in the skills and knowledge of the local workforce, enabling a regionally-driven sustainable energy transition.

o National or citizen of a CARICOM Member State
o Minimum qualification: Master’s degree in engineering, economics, natural sciences, or in renewable energy or energy efficiency technologies; further academic qualification, particularly in business or public administration, is an asset;

o Proven track record in resource mobilization among development partners, private sector, and philanthropic organizations;

o Minimum of 10 years of work experience in the energy sector within the Caribbean region, with a proven track-record of developed, managed, and implemented programs and projects that have generated quantifiable benefits. A mix of public and private sector experience is an asset;

o Proven capabilities in high level management position(s) within the public and/or private sector, with a minimum of 10 years of senior management experience;

o Experience in managing similar-sized or larger organizations or companies in the energy/environment sector;

o Excellent writing and communication skills;

o Demonstrated expertise and knowledge on the status of renewable energy and energy efficiency markets, policies, stakeholders and trends in the Caribbean region and beyond;

o Experience in international development cooperation and the management of development partners are a prerequisite; ability to cultivate good relations with the main actors in the energy sector is essential;

o Demonstrated understanding and sensitivity to issues related to the intersection of energy and gender, energy and poverty, and energy and sustainable development;

o Excellent analytical, negotiation, presentation, and communication skills.
o Languages: Proficiency in English. Knowledge of French or Spanish is an asset.


o The position requires some level of flexibility as the work hours may vary, requiring work on late evenings, weekends and, sometimes, public holidays.

o Contract terms may be renewed based on performance.



Interested and qualified candidates are invited to submit their applications to the CCEEEE at recruitment@ccreee.org by 11:59 PM (AST) on 26 January 2024.

Applications shall comprise the following documents in English:

• CV (including detailed description of qualifications and work experience, and three references)
• Motivation letter (maximum one page)
• Scanned copy of passport biodata page
• Scanned copies of educational certificates

Further information on CCREEE is available at: www.ccreee.org. Written requests for clarification may be directed to: recruitment@ccreee.org . Applicants shall not contact the CCREEE office or any of the involved partners by phone.

Job expired